
Number Title Status Creation year Completion date Description
D VC-20-04 Air quality constellation validation coordination: announcements of opportunity open 2020 2023 Q4 Coordinate the formulation of harmonized GEO-AQ Announcements of Opportunity...
D VC-20-01 Tropospheric ozone dataset validation and harmonization open 2020 2023 Q4 Production of peer-reviewed papers on intercomparisons and harmonization of...
D CB-22-12 EOTEC DevNet Multi-Stakeholder Network Analysis open 2022 2024 Q2 Complete and deliver final report on multi-stakeholder network analysis that...
D BON-07 Develop an updated list of candidate RS-enabled EBVs closed 2019 2020 Q2 The original list of EBV candidates has been in flux as discussions have...
D CB-20-08 Virtual EO Education Conference closed 2020 2022 Q2 Establish an virtual EO Educators & Trainers Conference
D CMRS-07 CEOS Response to the GCOS IP and Satellite Supplement for submission (via GCOS) to COP-21 closed 2014 2015 Q2 The draft CEOS response to the GCOS IP and Satellite Supplement will be...
D VC-20-09 Discussion paper on private industry interactions with CEOS ARD closed 2020 2020 Q4 This paper will look into the different roles industry may play (e.g.;as data...
D CB-20-18 Provide CB to Recovery Observatory Project closed 2020 2020 Q4 Provide training to national Ha‹ti institutes involved in Recovery...
D VC-20-25 Aquatic Carbon From Space Workshop closed 2020 2022 Q1 International Workshop on 'Aquatic Carbon From Space'. Why: aquatic...
D CB-20-03 CARD4L Awareness Webinar closed 2020 2021 Q3 Collaborate w/LSI-VC to host a CARD4L awareness webinar
D VC-20-13 Precipitation Constellation white paper closed 2020 2021 Q4 Update of Precipitation Constellation white paper
D VC-20-12 Promote CEOS ARD to data providers closed 2020 2022 Q4 The SIT Chair Team will: ? coordinate CEOS promotion of the uptake of CEOS ARD...
D VC-20-24 Aquatic Carbon From Space Special Issue closed 2020 2023 Q2 Journal special issue 'Aquatic Carbon From Space'. Why: aquatic carbon...
D VC-20-23 CEOS Search Relevance Recommendations closed 2020 2021 Q4 Recommendations for improving dataset discovery acrross CEOS partners
D VC-20-22 CEOS VC ARD survey closed 2020 2021 Q2 Review and survey the state of ARD dataset "readiness" across the VCs starting...
D CMRS-23-01 Provide COP-27 SBSTA Statement for CEOS Chair Delegation closed 2023 2023 Q3 Annual deliverable
D VC-20-11 CEOS ARD stocktake and outlook closed 2020 2020 Q3 Publish a clear statement on the CEOS ARD website as to the current and future...
D VC-24-05 CEOS AFOLU Roadmap Actions Supplement unknown 2024 2024 Q4 The CEOS AFOLU Roadmap Team within LSI-VC was tasked with creating an action...
D CB-22-13 Jupyter Notebook Foundations Webinar closed 2022 2023 Q3 WGCapD and WGISS could collaborate on a follow-on Jupyter Notebook webinar...
D VC-20-10 CEOS-Industry ARD Workshop open 2020 2024 Q2 Organise a dedicated CEOS ARD workshop;inviting agencies and the private...
D CB-20-21 Copernicus User Uptake in Africa open 2020 2025 Q4 Copernicus User Uptake in Africa via technical support in the field of...
D CB-20-19 Regional Training in South Asia on Forest Biomass closed 2020 2021 Q2 One regional training in South Asia on forest biomass
D CB-20-04 Jupyter Notebooks Awareness Webinar closed 2020 2021 Q4 Work with WGISS to provide a Jupyter notebooks awareness webinar
D SDG-20-05 Satellite data requirements for SDG Indicator 14.1.1 (Marine Pollution) closed 2020 2022 Q2 Detailed assessment of the satellite data requirements for the production of...
D CV-01 Update of general WGCV website to enhance better communication across CEOS and users closed 2011 2018 Q3
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