
Number Title Status Creation year Completion date Description
D AGRI-12 Characterize requirements and describe work plan for developing long-term interoperable moderate... frozen 2019 2020 Q1 A work plan will be established by LSI-VC and CEOS AHWG on GEOGLAM. This is...
D AGRI-11 Create a document on measurement suitability for agricultural products and associated decisions closed 2019 2019 Q4 Work with CEOS to document and make available to users information on CEOS...
D CARB-20 Updated CEOS Space Data Strategy for GFOI closed 2019 2019 Q4 The CEOS Space Data Strategy was first developed in 2011 in support of GEO-FCT...
D VC-20-06 Water Leaving / Aquatic Reflectance CARD4L PFS closed 2020 2022 Q1 Develop a CARD4L PFS for Water Leaving / Aquatic Reflectance.
D CARB-07 Implementation plan for carbon observations closed 2014 2014 Q4 Institutional responsibilities for implementation of the CEOS carbon strategy...
D DIS-19-04 Final Haiti RO Report closed 2019 2021 Q1 Report on final Haiti RO results including clear indication of lessons learned...
D AGRI-20-01 CEOS Response to GEOGLAM Requirements closed 2020 2022 Q1 Very slight updates to EO data requirements are expected as result of the EAV...
D CB-18-09 Land Cover and Land Use Change MOOC closed 2018 2021 Q4 Provide a MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) on Land Cover and Land Use Changes
D VC-20-08 Engage Big Data hosts and aggregators and establish formal pipelines and procedures to promote... closed 2020 2021 Q4 The SIT Chair Team and LSI-VC;with CEOS Agencies and in coordination with...
D CARB-20-04 Space Data support to GFOI Capacity Building component closed 2020 2023 Q4 Support to GFOI Capacity Building Component through the USGS CoChair to...
D CB-22-11 EOTEC DevNet Pilot Phase 2 Report closed 2022 2023 Q1 Complete and report on phase 2 activities of the EOTEC DevNet pilot, as...
D BON-23-01 Ecosystem Extent White Paper closed 2023 2023 Q4 Develop a white paper that will provide an integrated international...
D OUT-23-04 Method and result sharing for performing evaluations of commercial data closed 2023 2023 Q4 Develop recommendations on best practices and collaboration efforts to improve...
D VC-24-03 CEOS-ARD STAC Extension (Optical) open 2024 2025 Q4 Finalise an updated CEOS-ARD STAC extension for the optical PFS.
D CB-20-22 AOGEO Contribution closed 2020 2021 Q4 Coordinate a training in association with AOGEO on a mutually agreed topic...
D VC-24-04 CEOS-ARD STAC Extension (SAR) open 2024 2025 Q2 Finalise an updated CEOS-ARD STAC extension for the Synthetic Aperture Radar...
D ORG-09 Review and update workings of the database/website closed 2019 2019 Q4 Review, propose and implement an updated version of the ceos-deliverables...
D BON-23-02 Ecosystem Extent Demonstrator open 2023 2024 Q4 Explore and propose an initiative to demonstrate the use of EO for ecosystem...
D DIS-20-02 GNSL evolution feasibility study open 2020 2024 Q4 Feasibility study to assess the possibility to increase impact of the GEO-GSNL...
D CB-20-23 AmeriGEO Contribution closed 2020 2022 Q4 Support trainings; conduct a needs assessment for trainings
D CV-20-01 Surface Reflectance measurements Intercomparison exercise for vegetation (SRIX 4Veg) open 2020 2024 Q4 Intercomparison exercise for surface reflectance fiducial measurements for...
D DATA-20-01 CEOS Glossary of Terms Related to Analysis Ready Data;Future Data Architectures;and Interoperability closed 2020 2020 Q4 In the context of Earth remote sensing interoperability;many terms are often...
D CB-20-24 Remote Sensing Training in Africa closed 2020 2022 Q4 GIS & Remote Sensing Training for Users in Africa (e.g. South African...
D VC-20-14 IPWG/GEWEX Precipitation Assessment white paper closed 2020 2021 Q2 White paper on the current status of precipitation measurements...
D SDG-23-01 EO Support sheet for SDG Indicator 6.6.1 (Water) 2023 Review closed 2023 2023 Q4 Ensure and/or perform with lead experts an annual update of the EO support...
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