
Number Title Status Creation year Completion date Description
D DIS-05 Revised Geohazard Supersite Selection Process and decision on new proposed Supersites closed 2013 2014 Q4 Review working procedures between the Supersite Coordination Team (SCT) and...
D DIS-06 Web client to facilitate joint catalog search and access to Supersite data closed 2014 2014 Q4 The SCT agreed to implement standard web services to enable catalog search on...
D DATA-01 CEOS OpenSearch Best Practices Guideline Document closed 2014 2014 Q4 This document will serve as a guideline that shows a common set of rules to...
D CMRS-02 Gap analysis (first version) closed 2012 2015 Q2 Building on the initial release of the ECV inventory and progress to date, the...
D CMRS-03 Action plan (first version) closed 2014 2015 Q3 Once the gap analysis has been completed, a coordinated action plan will be...
D CB-09 Development and release of webinars closed 2015 2015 Q4 A series of webinars will be developed, drawing on presentations and materials...
D CMRS-04 Case studies linking CDRs to societal applications and informed policy decisions closed 2014 2015 Q1 To provide a connection between the availability of climate data records and...
D CMRS-10 CEOS-CGMS Report on Progress to SBSTA-43 closed 2015 2015 Q3 The Subsidiary Body on Scientific and Technological Advice - Research and...
D CB-17 SAR Training Workshops closed 2016 2017 Q4 The WGCapD provided multiple SAR workshops (on data access, awareness,...
D VC-20-29 Synergistic activities with CEOS COVERAGE closed 2020 2022 Q4 Expand synergistic activities with COVERAGE with the aim of having better...
D SDG-20-04 Satellite data requirements for SDG Indicator 11.3.1 (Sustainable urbanisation) closed 2020 2022 Q2 Detailed assessment of the satellite data requirements for the production of...
D CMRS-23-02 Provide COP-28 SBSTA Statement for CEOS Chair Delegation closed 2023 2024 Q3 Annual deliverable
D SDG-23-06 Open Data Cube Applications for SDGs closed 2023 2023 Q4 This will be Open Data Cube Sandbox applications and associated training...
D CB-22-14 EO and Capacity Building Curriculum open 2022 2024 Q2 Develop EO capacity building curriculum and learning pathways to include...
D CMRS-08 Incorporation of in situ data holdings within the ECV inventory closed 2014 2015 Q4 To extend the benefits of the infrastructure of the ECV inventory to...
D CMRS-09 Update of ECV inventory, gap analysis and action plan (Version 2) closed 2014 2015 Q2 Once the first full cycle has been completed (see CMRS-2 to CMRS-3), resulting...
D CARB-01 Updated Global Baseline Data Acquisition Strategy for GFOI closed 2012 2015 Q1 A baseline, coordinated global data acquisition strategy for GFOI was endorsed...
D CARB-03 Strategy on supply of data in support of GFOI R&D activities closed 2014 2015 Q2 At the SDCG-5 meeting in 2014, it was confirmed that a strategy was required...
D AGRI-02 JECAM Annual Report closed 2014 2015 Q2 GEOGLAM utilises JECAM to develop and operationalize its monitoring...
D BON-01 Further define biodiversity variables that may be supported by space-based observations closed 2013 2015 Q2 Consult with biodiversity community representatives (GEO BON, CBD,...
D AGRI-05 Data Services Prototypes closed 2015 2016 Q4 Acquisition of observations is a key enabler of the success of GEOGLAM....
D AGRI-06 Common Data Sharing Strategy for JECAM closed 2015 2015 Q2 Access to restricted (non-open) and open datasets is critical to the success...
D DATA-04 Development of the Recovery Observatory Infrastructure closed 2015 2015 Q2 In cooperation with WG Disasters, WGISS will develop and make available the...
D DIS-07 Implementation of Endorsed Strategy for participation in the 2015 WCDRR closed 2015 2015 Q1 The 3rd UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR) will establish...
D DIS-09 Readiness of Recovery Observatory for Activation closed 2015 2015 Q1 Development work on the Recovery Observatory will be progressed to the point...
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