
Number Title Status Creation year Completion date Description
D CB-20-20 SELPER Conference Engagement closed 2020 2022 Q4 ESA is coordinating with the SELPER organizer to deliver a training on EO for...
D CB-23-08 Recommendations on learning objects joint repositories and metadata standards for learning objects open 2023 2024 Q2 Due to the increase of online trainings, this report in recommendations aims...
D CB-20-11 In-Person Air Quality Training (Vietnam) closed 2020 2021 Q4 Air Quality Training focused in Asia - Vietnam
D CB-20-16 In-Person SAR training closed 2020 2021 Q2 SAR training for subsidence monitoring
D SDG-20-12 EO Satellite data Use Cases for SDGs (for SDG EO Toolkits) closed 2020 2021 Q2 Support GEO EO4SDG in the demonstration of EO satellite data use for SDG...
D CB-20-15 SAR Training for Forest and Rice Monitoring (Vietnam) closed 2020 2022 Q2 SAR training for forest and rice monitoring
D CMRS-24-07 Document GST1 lessons learned and GST2 recommendations (Lead for this activity is pending SIT-39... open 2024 2025 Q4 This is a clear need that multiple parties have called for. WGClimate believes...
D CB-20-07 Best Practice Guide to E-Learning open 2020 2024 Q2 Best practice guide to e-Learning
D DIS-01 Strategy for preparing the 2015 WCDRR and the post-Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA2) closed 2014 2014 Q2 Propose a way forward for the 2015 World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction...
D DIS-15 Support for GEODARMA Identification of Major Hazards and DRR Issues for Each Selected Region closed 2016 2021 Q4 Selection of regional institutions and assessment of regional priorities for...
D FDA-05 FDA awareness building and outreach closed 2017 2019 Q3 With growing interest in Future Data Architectures, WGCapD will identify ways...
D VC-20-19 New capabilities closed 2020 2022 Q4 New capabilities using METOP-SG data for snow and precipitation
D VC-20-20 New capabilities closed 2020 2023 Q4 New capabilities using EARTHCARE data
D VC-20-21 New capabilities closed 2020 2023 Q4 New capabilities using AMSR-3 data
D AGRI-04 CEOS Strategic Response to GEOGLAM Requirements closed 2015 2019 Q2 A brief “GEOGLAM Data Continuity and Observation Requirements”...
D CB-22-09 Chesapeake Bay Feasibility Study closed 2022 2022 Q4 Conduct a 10-week feasibility study focused on the Chesapeake Bay as part of...
D CB-20 Provide CB support to regional and thematic GEO initiatives: AmeriGEOSS and AfriGEOSS closed 2016 2018 Q4 Provide training and capacity building support to the AfriGEOSS and AmeriGEOSS...
D CV-13 Intercomparison of atmospheric correction models closed 2016 2018 Q4
D CB-14 Create a planning document for the release of newsletters and mailouts closed 2016 2016 Q3 WGCapD will significantly increase its communication through key channels such...
D CB-16 SRTM Training Workshops closed 2016 2017 Q3 Two more SRTM in Disaster Management training workshops are anticipated: one...
D VC-24-01 CEOS-ARD Strategy 2024 Implementation open 2024 2026 Q4 Implementation of tasks in response to the CEOS-ARD Strategy 2024.
D VC-20-18 New version IMERG closed 2020 2023 Q1 New version of NASA IMERG (L3) precipitation product
D SDG-20-14 EO Quality Standards closed 2020 2021 Q4 Development of guidelines on EO accuracy assessment for the SDG global...
D OUT-23-02 CEOS New Space White Paper closed 2023 2023 Q4 Produce a White Paper to be endorsed at CEOS Plenary that include a list of...
D VC-20-17 GPM L2A precipitation products closed 2020 2022 Q2 New version of NASA GPM L2A precipitation products
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