
Number Title Status Creation year Completion date Description
D CB-03 E-learning courses on remote sensing technologies closed 2014 2016 Q4 Organize e-learning courses for university educators in developing countries;...
D DIS-11 Proposal for a landslides DRM pilot closed 2015 2015 Q4 Some interest has emerged in expanding the suite of DRM pilots to include...
D CB-05 Implement the TanDEM-X Edu Project closed 2014 2016 Q3 Plan for the implementation of the TanDEM-X EduProject, which aims at...
D VC-03 Air quality constellation coordination closed 2017 2022 Q4
D DIS-14 Ensure the proper coordination of the GEO Disaster Task and of the C3 and C5 components. closed 2015 2015 Q4 CEOS will ensure the role of GEO Disaster Task DI-01 is fulfilled and will...
D WAT-01 Development of a CEOS response to the GEOSS Water Strategy. closed 2014 2015 Q4 The GEOSS Water Strategy includes a number of recommendations that deal with...
D CB-01 Digital Elevation Model (DEM) workshops closed 2014 2015 Q4 Pursuit of Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 30m data with a proposed...
D CB-04 Contribute to Capacity Building Portal (GeoCaB Portal) closed 2014 2017 Q4 Populate the GEO Capacity Building Portal.  This portal aims at...
D CB-06 Capacity Building for DRM closed 2014 2016 Q4 WGCapD will designate a representative for each of the three CEOS DRM pilots...
D CB-08 Strategy for Digital Elevation Model (DEM) workshops closed 2015 2015 Q4 The announcement that SRTM Data will be made more globally available by the...
D CB-11 Build awareness and demonstrate the value of EO applications through major conferences closed 2015 2017 Q4 WGCapD members target major Earth observation and other relevant conferences...
D VC-20 Revised Terms of Reference for LSI-VC closed 2015 2015 Q2 A 2014 study concluded that the environment in which the LSI-VC operates has...
D DATA-03 Assessment of Technical Architectures for Supporting Operational Programs closed 2015 2015 Q4 CEOS has made considerable progress in coordinating data acquisition to...
D DATA-05 CEOS Data Stewardship Best PracticesGuideline documents closed 2015 2015 Q4 Two documents dedicated to CEOS best practices in the domain of Data...
D DATA-06 CEOS Data Stewardship Best PracticesGuideline documents closed 2015 2015 Q4 In order to provide a support to the CEOS Working Groups and Virtual...
D CV-02 Website for SAR calibration sites and targets closed 2014 2015 Q3 Establish and maintain a website for SAR calibration sites including both...
D CV-05 GSICS Cooperation closed 2014 2016 Q2 Cooperation with GSICS in specific domains of sensor calibration, especially...
D CV-10 Potential and fitness checks for TanDEM-X DEM products closed 2014 2015 Q4 The proof of the TanDEM-X DEM products is essential for many applications...
D CB-07 Release of newsletters and mail-outs closed 2015 2016 Q4 WGCapD will significantly increase its communication through key channels such...
D CV-11 Validation of terrestrial ECV products closed 2014 2015 Q4 The validation of terrestrial ECV products is in line with activities carried...
D CV-12 Evaluation of validation supersites and new validation approaches closed 2014 2016 Q2 Evaluation of well-characterized supersites with data continuity prospects for...
D VC-01 List of Relevant Datasets from VCs closed 2014 2016 Q4 Each VC will provide WGISS with a list of relevant datasets that its...
D VC-10 Recommend the creation of a GEO Water Quality Community of Practice closed 2014 2015 Q2 An emerging thrust for the OCR-VC is in the area of remote sensing of coastal...
D VC-11 Updated OST CEOS Constellation User Requirements Document (URD) closed 2014 2016 Q2 Update will be presented at SIT-31
D VC-12 Catalog of Cal/Val infrastructure closed 2014 2016 Q2 This catalog will help with Cal/Val planning and promote agency coordination....
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