
Number Title Status Creation year Completion date Description
D CV-18-02 Greenhouse gas reference standards for interoperability closed 2018 2022 Q1 Develop list of reference standards for CO2 and CH4 products that are suitable...
D FDA-06 Technical best practices relating to future data architectures opportunities closed 2017 2018 Q4
D CV-16-02 Report on application of approaches for cloud masking closed 2016 2021 Q4 The WGCV task team "Cloud masking" will research different cloud...
D DATA-17-04 Technology Exploration webinars and workshops closed 2017 2021 Q4 WGISS will host at least one workshop annually to serve as a forum for...
D FDA-17-02 Collaborative development of CEOS Data Cube technology closed 2017 2021 Q4 CEOS Agencies will develop the CEOS Data Cube as a piece of re-usable and...
D OUT-23-05 ESA - NASA Earth Observation Mission Quality Assessment Framework - Optical Guidelines closed 2023 2024 Q3 Guidelines to be used by ESA and NASA to evaluate commercial optical data
D SDG-19-02 Open Data Cube algorithms for the SDGs closed 2019 2022 Q4 Develop and demonstrate a set of Data Cube algorithms that use CEOS satellite...
D CMRS-22-03 Provide condensed feedback from the Gap Analysis in support of the Ocean community within CEOS in... closed 2022 2023 Q3 A dedicated excerpt shall be condensed to support the CEOS Ocean tasks reletd...
D POL-01 Annual Status Report closed 2014 2019 Q4 Facilitate communication between PSTG and CEOS through provision of an annual...
D VC-19 Documented plan for the SST Virtual Constellation closed 2014 2019 Q4 Building on Donlon, et al (2010) Successes andChallenges for the Modern Sea...
D OUT-01 CEOS awareness and promotional material delivered at key meetings closed 2014 2019 Q4 The CEOS calendar will be used to confirm CEOS representation at key...
D SDG-03 Review and assess the contribution of EO to the SDG Targets and Indicators. Produce a compendium... closed 2018 2019 Q3 Assess the current and potential contribution of EO to the SDG Targets and...
D SDG-02 Compile and maintain a compendium of CEOS Agencies engagement on SDGs closed 2018 2019 Q2 Collect and centralize information across CEOS Agencies on their SDG...
D VC-30 Interoperability case study for Landsat and Sentinel-2 frozen 2017 2020 Q4 While a specific case study is formulated, this task/deliverable will include...
D VC-18 Programs for improvement of global precipitation products closed 2014 2019 Q4 Precipitation products (with respect to algorithm development, outputs, and...
D VC-17 Support to ECV precipitation parameters closed 2014 2019 Q4 Precipitation ECV support: Provide the CEOS Response to GCOS Action A-8;...
D OUT-23-06 ESA- NASA  Earth Observation Mission Quality Assessment Framework - SAR Guidelines closed 2023 2024 Q3 Guidelines to be used by ESA and NASA to evaluate commercial SAR data
D WAT-04 Updates on implementation of the CEOS Strategy for Water Observations from Space, including... closed 2017 2019 Q4 CEOS, through the 2020-2021 SIT Chair, will continue to monitor progress on...
D ORG-07 Refreshed Terms of Reference for Working Groups closed 2014 2018 Q3 As a result of the updated Governing Documents, work is required to...
D VC-38 Pilot approaches to conducting integrated assessments of gaps/opportunities in mission measurements frozen 2019 2020 Q4 LSI-VC will utlize the GEOGLAM updated requirements report to asses potential...
D FDA-18-05 Inventory of space data product formats used by CEOS agencies. closed 2018 2021 Q4 Develop an inventory of current product format used in CEOS agencies and...
D CMRS-22-04 Comment and support the draft of the GCOS implementation plan closed 2022 2022 Q3 GCOS provides in March 2022 the draft of the updated implmentation plan for...
D VC-14-09 Implementation of the International Network for Sensor InTercomparison and Uncertainty Assessment... open 2014 2026 Q4 Implementation of the International Network for Sensor InTercomparison and...
D VC-39 Formally define terms used in the context of the Moderate Resolution Interoperability (MRI)... closed 2019 2019 Q2 There is a broad spectrum of definitions of ‘interoperable’. An agreed and...
D VC-18-03 CARD4L Product Family Specifications (PFS) closed 2017 2022 Q4 The CARD4L Product Family Specifications are intended to be living...
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