
Number Title Status Creation year Completion date Description
D CB-39 Provide hands-on training on forest monitoring and Orfeo Tool Box for AEM. closed 2019 2019 Q1 CNES will organize and implement training sessions on forest monitoring and...
D CB-33 Provide SAR and other EO data training in support of VNSC Chair initiative. closed 2019 2019 Q4 WGCapD will provide basic and applied SAR training for VNSC and stakeholders...
D CB-35 Provide CB support to AmeriGEO Week 2019 in Peru. closed 2019 2019 Q3 Provide training and capacity building support to AmeriGEO with training...
D CB-36 Provide CB support to AfriGEO Symposium 2019. closed 2019 2019 Q3 Provide training and capacity building support to AfriGEO with training...
D CB-37 Develop white paper describing approaches for capacity building networks supported by others, e.g.... closed 2019 2019 Q2 Provide white paper for review at the SIT.
D CB-41 Collaboration between AHT-SDG and WGCapD to organise SDG-related training and capacity building... closed 2019 2019 Q3 WGCapD and AHT-SDG collaboration to support GEO in promoting use of EO to...
D VC-07 Catalog of Cal/Val infrastructure and activities closed 2014 2015 Q2 This effort will help in identifying risks and needs for advancement and will...
D CMRS-19-03 Support to the GCOS Status report on observing systems for climate monitoring closed 2019 2021 Q3 WGClimate shall support to the assessment of the fulfilment of the 2016 GCOS...
D CARB-19-03 Early Warning Module for GFOI open 2019 2023 Q2 Scoping discussions continue amongst the GFOI Leads for the definition of a...
D DIS-19-01 Volcano demo reports closed 2019 2021 Q4 Volcano demo reports
D CMRS-23-03 Provide COP-29 SBSTA Statement for CEOS Chair Delegation closed 2023 2025 Q3 Annual deliverable
D CMRS-19-04 Provide oversight to the implementation of the greenhouse gas monitoring activities (Coordinated... closed 2019 2026 Q3 Three tasks are described: Establish a roadmap for the development of a...
D CARB-19-06 Updated space data content in the 2019 GFOI Methods and Guidance Documentation (MGD) closed 2019 2020 Q2 GFOI will start the process of updating the MGD in H1 2019. SDCG will engage...
D CMRS-22-02 Provide condensed feedback from the Gap Analysis to the GHG task team and AFOLU allowing... closed 2022 2023 Q3 A dedicated excerpt shall be condensed to support GHG task team and AFOLU...
D CB-18-05 Provide CB support to regional and thematic AOGEOSS initiative closed 2018 2021 Q4 Engage with AOGEOSS initiative and find out the needs of the region for...
D CB-40 Provide hands-on training for flood monitoring for Vietnam School of Earth Observation. closed 2019 2019 Q3 CNES will support second Vietnam School of Earth Observation on the topic of...
D CMRS-19-05 Update definitions for FCDR;CDR;ICDR (Coordinated Action 1) closed 2019 2023 Q2 Update defininitions for Fundamental Climate Data Records;Climate Data Records...
D CMRS-13 Development and Promotion of Case Studies closed 2016 2019 Q3 Previous work, supervised by the EC JRC and WMO, has already produced WMO 1192...
D CV-17 Continental scale surface reflectance validation closed 2018 2019 Q3 Provide guidance for development of methodologies to validate the results of...
D DATA-13 Develop a White Paper on Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication. closed 2018 2019 Q4 Single sign-on (SSO) allows user login with a single ID and password to gain...
D DATA-09 ECVs/CDRs Discovery and Access through WGISS Systems closed 2017 2020 Q2 Facilitate discoverability and accessibility of ECV Products and space-born...
D CMRS-05 Contributions to the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) closed 2014 2014 Q4 The Joint Working Group will examine the most effective means of contributing...
D CMRS-06 Report to UNFCCC Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice-Research and Systematic... closed 2014 2014 Q3 This report will address CEOS and CGMS support to the GCOS Implementation...
D DIS-02 Proposal for Recovery Observatory closed 2014 2014 Q2 Develop the full Recovery Observatory proposal for approval.
D COV-02 COVERAGE use cases & focal pilot application closed 2017 2018 Q2
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