
Number Title Status Creation year Completion date Description
D FDA-07 Product Specifications in accordance with the CARD4L Framework closed 2017 2018 Q1
D CB-22 Provide capacity building support to WGCV activities closed 2017 2017 Q2 Collaborate with WGCV to develop materials to promote e.g. QA4EO, LandNet,...
D DATA-10 Reference model for data stewardship planning and implementation closed 2017 2017 Q4 Consolidate a reference model that provides guidelines and recommendations for...
D VC-29 Framework for moderate resolution land sensor interoperability closed 2017 2018 Q2 Increasing numbers of users are interested in the development of product...
D SDG-01 CEOS engagement with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development closed 2017 2017 Q4 The CEOS Ad Hoc Team on Sustainable Development Goals, established at the 30th...
D BP-03 Paper on CEOS involvement in Blue Planet governance structures closed 2017 2017 Q2 Update March 2018:  Deliverable closed.CEOS is represented on GEO Blue...
D COV-01 Collaborative framework for COVERAGE closed 2017 2017 Q4 Establish advisory board and collaborative framework describing  how CEOS...
D VC-36 Monitoring MRI implementation examples closed 2018 2018 Q4
D BP-01 Development, compilation and distribution of ocean variables into collocated, synergistic datasets... closed 2014 2018 Q3 Leveraging suitable activities, such as the proposed COVERAGE initiative,...
D CB-26 Provide CB support to regional and thematic AfriGEOSS initiative closed 2018 2020 Q4 Provide training and capacity building support to the AfriGEOSS with training...
D CB-23 Provide training on CEOS Visualization Environment (COVE) closed 2018 2019 Q4 WGCapD will develop and deliver one or two webinar sessions on COVE Tool per...
D CB-25 Develop methods and guidance documentation for best practices around institutional capacity... closed 2018 2019 Q4 The proposal for ROSES-2016 A.50 GEO Work Programme (NASA Grant), led by...
D WAT-05 Response to precipitation-related aspects of CEOS Strategy for Water Observations from Space closed 2016 2017 Q4 Support to implementation of the CEOS Strategy for Water Observations from...
D CB-12 Build awareness of new CEOS missions, tools and datasets closed 2016 2017 Q4 Within the context of support to CEOS/GEO projects, using webinars, the CEOS...
D DIS-03 Data Acquisition Plan in support to DRM Pilots closed 2014 2014 Q2 Prepare for approval of the strategic data acquisition plan in response to the...
D CB-18-07 Conduct global capacity building courses through Webinar on Asia-GEOGLAM;SAR Missions ƒ?? Present... closed 2018 2020 Q4 ISRO with support of NASA;DLR and other theme specialists will plan to conduct...
D FDA-13 Develop a User Metrics Best Practice. closed 2018 2018 Q4
D FDA-11 Organise several sessions/workshops to share lessons learned and outcomes from FDA systems and... closed 2018 2018 Q4
D CMRS-22-01 Gap Analysis Workshop on Carbon Cycle ECVs including gap analysis report and feedback to GCOS closed 2022 2022 Q3 Based on WGClimate ECV inventory (version 4.0) a gap analysis will be carried...
D CB-30 Conduct global capacity building courses through a MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) on an... closed 2018 2019 Q1 ESA with support from DLR's SAREDU project by FSU Jena and CSA will...
D BON-06 Develop a draft standardised approach for specifying satellite observation requirements and EBV... closed 2019 2019 Q4 The approach will act as a template to facilitate development of detailed...
D CB-19-02 Provide webinar on LCLUC theme closed 2019 2020 Q3 Focus will be on Land Cover/Land Use Change theme. Deliver lectures/training...
D CB-17-02 Explore future options for providing portal-based access to capacity building and training resources closed 2017 2020 Q4 Conduct a study of existing and potential new approaches to...
D CB-32 Provide regional hands-on training in land cover land use change topics in GEOSS regions in... closed 2018 2019 Q4 WGCapD will build on the successful NASA-ESA Trans-Atlantic Training program...
D CMRS-23-04 Provide Agency Response to GCOP IP open 2023 2023 Q4 Status updates and comments focused on Space Supplement
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