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D VC-19: Documented plan for the SST Virtual Constellation
Documented plan for the SST Virtual Constellation
Creation Year:
Completion Date:
2019 Q4

Building on Donlon, et al (2010) Successes andChallenges for the Modern Sea Surface Temperature Observing System, the SST-VC will describe and justify the requirements and design for the modern virtual constellation for SST. This description of an optimal SST constellation will prove useful to CEOS Agencies in planning and implementing a globally coordinated and cost- effective observing capability for SST.

Link to GEO Work Programme:
External Reference:
Responsible Users:
Anne Ocarroll, Ken Casey
Responsible CEOS Entities:
Contributing Agencies:

Progress Reports:
2019-09-07 03:10:24 UTC

17 September 2018: The Final draft of the white paper is now in preparation. The constellation white paper was the focus of this year's SST-VC meeting in June in Darmstady. Preliminary reviews and preparation took place at both GHRSST-17 and -18 meetings.  Writing task assignments have been completed over the last year and final iterations and figures are in progress. Publication is targeted for the end of 2018.19 June 2017: During the Sixth Meeting of the SST-VC in Qingdao, China, on 09 June 2017, the team reviewed its progress on the SST Constellation White paper.  Progress has been stalled, but recent efforts have put the activity back into motion. Writing assignments for different sections have been accepted by members of the VC.  Next deadline is 18 August 2017, when the section leads will provide their text inputs to Gary Corlett. At that point, the first complete draft will be readied for review.(Update from June 2015 SIT Chair TagUp) The recent ?Sentinel-3 for Science? Workshop held in Venice on June 3-5 was an opportunity for the SST-VC to discuss their vision: there is full consensus in the community, with the only issue now being finding the time to write the plan. The next GHRSST meeting (ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands, July 20-24) will provide an opportunity for this to be done. This meeting will also consider refocusing GHRSST: review the GHRSST TAG and WG structures and agree how to rationalize and consolidate resources.?(Update on 9/18/2015 from Ken Casey and Anne O'Carroll)The SST-VC is developing a whitepaper on the next generation SST Virtual Constellation, including necessary on-orbit assets, measurement methods (MW and IR, Geo and Polar), climate/NWP applications, fiducial reference measurements, and data management systems. Whitepaper Status:Draft in preparation and book captain identifiedReview of progress took place at GHRSST-16 (July 2015)Draft to be prepared late 2015 and publication targeted for later in 2016

Ken Casey | 2019-09-12 00:05:02 UTC

11 September 2019: The white paper on the next generation SST constellation is complete and undergoing final editorial review by SST-VC members. The white paper is expected to be ready for distribution next month. Note the related Community White paper for OceanObs ‘19, “Observational needs of Sea Surface Temperature”, was also recently published:

Ken Casey | 2019-09-12 01:36:38 UTC

Recommend update deadline to 2019 Q4

2019-09-07 03:10:24 UTC
Last Updated:
2021-02-04 03:21:36 UTC