
Number Title Status Creation year Completion date Description
D VC-18-07 Gap Analysis Tools closed 2018 2022 Q4 Identify potential modifications to existing CEOS information tools that can...
D CARB-05 Updated Global Baseline Data Acquisition Strategy for GFOI and Strategy for Satellite Data in... closed 2014 2018 Q2
D AGRI-09 RAPP (Rangelands) Data Cube Demonstrations and Application Testing closed 2017 2018 Q4 Complete a Data Cube demonstration for one or more test sites to support RAPP...
D OUT-02 CEOS Newsletter closed 2014 2019 Q3 Call for information input in December and June; newsletters released in...
D BON-04 Increase the visibility of remote sensing for biodiversity related applications closed 2016 2019 Q4
D CB-19 Collaborate with the CEOS SDG-AHT to identify SDG-related training and capacity building... closed 2016 2018 Q4 The WGCapD will work closely with the CEOS SDG Ad Hoc Team (who supports GEO...
D CMRS-15 Cycle 2 Gap Analysis closed 2016 2018 Q2 Several teams will perform the cycle 2 gap analysis in parallel, with the work...
D VC-21 Support the GEO Water Quality Community of Practice closed 2016 2016 Q4 The area of remote sensing of coastal and inland water quality remains a...
D FDA-03 CEOS Data Cube technology governance strategy closed 2017 2017 Q2 A governance strategy will be developed aimed at supporting the CEOS Data Cube...
D FDA-10 Finalise inventory of Software and Tools available or used at CEOS agencies for EO data... closed 2018 2019 Q4 Each CEOS agency will continue to develop its data and computational...
D VC-19-03 CARD4L Product Assessments closed 2019 2022 Q4 Manage the processes for assessment of products against the CARD4L Product...
D WAT-17-03 Response to satellite-related aspects of GEO AquaWatch Initiative Implementation Plan closed 2017 2020 Q4 CEOS support for the implementation of the GEO AquaWatch (monitoring and...
D VC-19-05 Open-source library for surface reflectance product generation closed 2019 2022 Q2 Publish an open-source software library for the generation of CARD4L surface...
D CARB-23-01 Lessons learnt from pilot CO2 and CH4 products closed 2023 2023 Q2 Summarise lessons learned from the pilot CO2 and CH4 pilot product delivered...
D FDA-04 Regional pilot installations of the CEOS Data Cube technology closed 2017 2017 Q4 Regional pilots will generate lessons learnt on how the CEOS Data Cube...
D CB-24 Work with the CEOS Data Cube team to identify concrete opportunities for collaboration closed 2018 2019 Q4 Identify how we can support CEOS Data Cube users and ways for increasing their...
D NG-01 Study on exploitation of next generation geostationary satellites to support nonmeteorological... closed 2016 2016 Q4 The study, a 2016 CEOS Chair initiative endorsed at the 29th CEOS Plenary...
D CARB-17 Engaging with IPCC inventories and promoting satellite EO closed 2017 2019 Q4 The 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventories currently indicates that...
D CMRS-23 Intermediate report on the status of the Space Agency Response to the 2016 GCOS Implementation Plan closed 2019 2020 Q3 This report assesses the status of activities from the "Space Agencies...
D DATA-18-02 CEOS data holdings reported and accessible in GEO and other international relevant contexts closed 2018 2022 Q4 CEOS is often referred as the space arm of GEO. CEOS data holdings need to be...
D DIS-19 Promote e-collaboration for broader acceptance and use of EO techniques and products by the... closed 2018 2019 Q3 Promote the concept of e-collaboration so that EO experts (as well as non-EO...
D CARB-15 Carbon data portal closed 2017 2019 Q2 Implement a carbon data portal to facilitate the discoverability and...
D CB-24-03 Engage & empower South African youth to use EO for Economic Empowerment open 2024 2025 Q1 Building on the inaugural GEO Ministerial Summit Youth Declaration and working...
D CARB-17-05 Cal/val and production of biomass products from CEOS Agency missions open 2017 2023 Q4 Development of a coordinated cal/val strategy across NASA and ESA biomass...
D CARB-23-02 Standards for uncertainty monitoring of flux estimates closed 2023 2023 Q3 Generate a set of standards for uncertainty reporting of flux estimates
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