
Number Title Status Creation year Completion date Description
D VC-16 P-VC Data Portal and links to CEOS Water Portal closed 2013 2015 Q1 Completion of Phase 2 of the P-VC Data Portal providing free and open...
D OUT-03 CEOS Database update survey and release of online version closed 2014 2015 Q4 Background information: CEOS Agencies to provide resources to support their...
D BON-02 Continue to define biodiversity variables that may be supported by space-based observations and... closed 2014 2015 Q4 Review and improve list of relevant space-borne variables, to include marine...
D OUT-04 EO handbook closed 2014 2015 Q4 The EO Handbook presents the main capabilities of satellite Earth...
D OUT-07 Special Data Applications Report closed 2015 2015 Q4 The report will highlight applications of Earth observation from space and...
D ORG-08 Assessment of implementation of Guiding Documents closed 2014 2015 Q4 The CEOS Guiding Documents provide a strong reference point for CEOS...
D ORG-04 Document Management System closed 2014 2014 Q4 In accordance with the plans and designs endorsed at the 28th CEOS Plenary...
D DIS-04 Decadal Plan (2015-2025) to address top priority HFA2 needs closed 2014 2016 Q4 Develop a long-term CEOS plan (2015-2030) to address top priority HFA2 needs....
D DIS-13 Report on Follow-on Actions to DRM Pilots closed 2015 2017 Q4 The DRM Pilots are expected to provide important insights into where, and how,...
D CB-02 Provide practical EO education for students and teachers closed 2014 2016 Q4 WGCapD members will target major Earth observation and other relevant...
D SDG-04 CEOS engagement plan on SDGs closed 2018 2019 Q2 Develop a coherent, flexible and adaptive CEOS engagement strategy on SDGs to...
D CV-04 WGCV self-analysis for capabilities to serve VC and WGs needs closed 2014 2016 Q2 WGCV will analyze its capabilities, given the new demands of the VCs and WGs....
D CV-06 Inter-calibration of ground-based networks closed 2014 2016 Q4 Inter-calibration of air quality ground-based networks in cooperation with...
D CV-07 Coordinated set-up of ground-based networks in supporting validation of air quality products closed 2014 2016 Q4 Planning and characterization of air quality ground-based network in...
D VC-06 Vision and plan for an essential OCR-Virtual Constellation space segment (Polar and GEO) closed 2014 2016 Q4 The objective is a plan to meet goals identified in the OCR-VC terms of...
D VC-22 Response to precipitation-related aspects of CEOS Strategy for Water Observations from Space closed 2016 2016 Q4 Support to implementation of the CEOS Strategy for Water Observations from...
D CMRS-01 ECV inventory (first version) closed 2014 2014 Q2 The ECV inventory provides the foundation for the fulfillment of the three...
D BON-03 CEOS response to GEO-BON identified biodiversity observation requirements closed 2014 2017 Q4 Following an international workshop in 2015, 10 remote sensing Essential...
D CMRS-11 Analysis report on implications of new climate change treaty closed 2015 2017 Q1 Any new treaty will likely have implications for the work of WGClimate. The...
D VC-13 Reprocessing strategy for TOPEX/Jason-1 missions closed 2014 2017 Q4 TOPEX/Poseidon mission ended in 2006, after 13 years of operation. Although...
D CARB-02 Initial version of Space Data Services Strategy for GFOI closed 2012 2014 Q2 GFOI will develop a coordinated strategy for national space data services,...
D CARB-06 Endorsed CEOS Strategy for Carbon Observations from Space closed 2014 2014 Q2 The CEOS Strategy for Carbon Observations from Space was under development for...
D AGRI-01 Updated Acquisition Strategy for GEOGLAM closed 0 2014 Q4 The CEOS Acquisition Strategy for GEOGLAM Phase 1 spans the 2012-2014...
D WAT-02 Implementation of the Water Constellation Feasibility Study and Other Proposed Actions Contained... closed 2016 2016 Q4 In 2016, the extended CEOS Water Strategy Implementation Study Team (WSIST)...
D VC-04 Operational demonstration service for volcanic ash (and SO2) monitoring and forecasting closed 2012 2014 Q3 Use data from multiple instruments capable of observing volcanic emission...
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