
Number Title Status Creation year Completion date Description
D OUT-05 CEOS engagement in 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development closed 2014 2016 Q4 A plan and way forward will be developed regarding CEOS engagement in the 2030...
D OUT-06 Data Cube Infrastructure Development closed 2014 2016 Q4 This activity includes all efforts concerning the development of a general...
D ORG-01 First Version of the new CEOS Three-Year Work Plan (this document). closed 2014 2014 Q1 This version should be suitable for: ( a) providing visibility to the SIT and...
D ORG-02 Process Paper for CEOS Working Groups closed 2014 2014 Q2 Prepare a process paper with guidance on the leadership, structure,...
D ORG-03 Process Paper for CEOS New Initiatives closed 2014 2014 Q2 Prepare a process -paper with guidance on proposals for new CEOS initiatives,...
D BP-02 Support the 3rd Blue Planet Symposium closed 2015 2017 Q2 CEOS will support and coordinate activities for the 3 rd Blue Planet...
D ORG-06 Terms of Reference for WGDisasters closed 2014 2014 Q4 Confirm the structure of the CEOS WGDisasters and develop Terms of Reference...
D CMRS-12 Establishment of a WGClimate Website closed 2016 2017 Q3 The website will provide the single authoritative location for Joint CEOS/CGMS...
D CMRS-14 Collection, incorporation and quality control of new & updated information from data providers. closed 2016 2017 Q1 For the purposes of this iteration, the set of questionnaires using for data...
D CARB-09 GFOI Data Services Pilot Projects for Kenya and Colombia closed 2016 2016 Q4 This activity includes support for the delivery of Data Services Pilot...
D CARB-10 Data Flows Study closed 2016 2016 Q4 A study of global data flows is to be completed by the SDCG for GFOI. The...
D VC-24 Define intercomparable Analysis-Ready Data (ARD) products within the context of land surface imaging closed 2016 2016 Q4 Agreement on the key definitions of Analysis Ready Data (ARD). In general...
D CARB-11 Development of a GFOI Space Data Portal closed 2016 2016 Q2 As a part of SDCG?s support for GFOI, a GFOI Space Data Portal will be...
D CB-13 Develop and/or deliver a webinars on SAR Data Processing & Applications for users in developing... closed 2016 2017 Q2 We produced and delivered a webinar series for academics, scientists,...
D CB-15 Updated best practices guidance document for in-person and online training and capacity building closed 2016 2017 Q4 The WGCapD developed a document on Training: Methods & Best Practices...
D CB-18 Capacity building pilot activity on geospatial technologies and their application in GGovernance closed 2016 2017 Q1 There is an identified need for capacity building for use of EO-derived...
D DATA-07 Study on future data architectures closed 2016 2016 Q4 The study, delivering on an initiative of the 2016 CEOS Chair, will examine:?...
D VC-23 Identify gaps in/opportunities for acquisition-planning in support of the CEOS Carbon Strategy closed 2016 2017 Q2 In support of the CEOS Carbon Strategy, LSI-VC will analyze validated land...
D VC-25 Increase the visibility of land surface imaging data holdings closed 2016 2016 Q4 Significant progress has already been made to improve the visibility of CEOS...
D VC-26 Pilot approaches to conducting integrated assessments of gaps/opportunities in asset usage closed 2016 2017 Q4 Identify candidate thematic area to conduct a requirements assessment as a...
D VC-27 Develop a roadmap for the routine production of intercomparable ARD closed 2016 2018 Q4 Building on agreed specifications of CARD4L products, LSI-VC will develop a...
D CARB-14 Extraction of ECV gap-analysis outcomes for carbon-relevant ECVs closed 2017 2017 Q4 Analyze the output of the WGClimate ECV Gap Analysis for those variables where...
D CARB-19 Land products validation listing and framework closed 2017 2017 Q4 Summarize current list of validated land data products relevant to Carbon...
D WAT-03 Feasibility study on satellite missions/instruments focused on water quality measurements closed 2017 2017 Q2 This study will assess the benefits and technological difficulties of...
D FDA-01 Papers and workshops to facilitate strategic discussion of the way forward on future data... closed 2017 2017 Q4 In 2017, the extended Ad Hoc Team on Future Data Architectures will develop...
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