
Number Title Status Creation year Completion date Description
D VC-22-02 CEOS ARD product assessments for land products closed 2022 2024 Q4 Manage the processes for assessment of products against the land domain CEOS...
D VC-22-03 Implementation of CEOS ARD Strategy 2021 tasks relevant to LSI-VC closed 2022 2024 Q4 Representatives from the CEOS Virtual Constellations are integral to CEOS ARD....
D FDA-19-01 Facilitate discovery and access for end users to data analytics and processing tools and services... closed 2019 2021 Q4 Facilitate discovery and access for end users through the WGISS Connected Data...
D SDG-20-01 GEO Federated Approach on SDGs closed 2019 2020 Q1 Support the GEO EO4SDG initiative to develop the Concept Note on the GEO...
D FDA-18-01 Establish a common description of Future Data Architecture functional blocks and identify... closed 2018 2020 Q2 Based on the outputs of the inventory and review of existing standards and...
D SDG-20-02 SDG EO Toolkit Specification closed 2019 2020 Q1 Support the GEO EO4SDG initiative to develop the concept note on SDG EO...
D CARB-23-03 GCOS IP response for GHG-related activities closed 2023 2023 Q3 Respond to GCOS IP 2022 for GHG related activities
D BP-17-02 CEOS Action Plan for GEO Blue Planet Initiative Working Group and Pilot Project activities as... closed 2017 2020 Q1 Building upon the GEO Blue Planet Initiative 2020-2022 Implementation Plan...
D SDG-19-01 Analyse the SDG satellite data requirements closed 2019 2020 Q1 Produce, in cooperation with the GEO EO4SDG initiative, a “SDG satellite...
D SDG-20-11 EO Good Practice Guidance (for SDG EO Toolkits) closed 2020 2021 Q2 Support GEO EO4SDG in the collection of EO good practices on SDG indicators...
D SDG-20-13 R&D Agenda on SDGs closed 2020 2021 Q4 Develop with GEO EO4SDG an R&D agenda for improved EO methods in response...
D DIS-19-03 Sesimic Demonstrator and Report closed 2019 2022 Q2 Deliver and report on the results of the period Q3 2018-Q4 2019, including...
D AGRI-19-04 Iteratively respond to GEOGLAM EO Data Coordination team's definitions of "Applications Ready... open 2019 2024 Q4 GEOGLAM will internally lead the development of EAVs and ARD+ based on both...
D VC-24-02 CEOS-ARD Github Repository open 2024 2024 Q4 We will make it easier for anyone to contribute to the CEOS-ARD PFS...
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