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D VC-20-07: Identify the need for and prioritise developmentof future target products as the basis for new CEOSARD specifications
Identify the need for and prioritise developmentof future target products as the basis for new CEOSARD specifications
Creation Year:
Completion Date:
2030 Q4

The development of further CEOS ARD specifications in other user and discipline communities must also be driven by need ? starting with the communities served by CEOS WGs;VCs and AHTs. The goal will be to establish priorities for which products and applications might follow on from the current CARD4L PFS.

Link to GEO Work Programme:
External Reference:
Responsible Users:
Matthew Steventon
Responsible CEOS Entities:
SIT Chair
Contributing Agencies:

Progress Reports:
Matthew Steventon | 2022-08-15 08:47:15 UTC

This is an ongoing task that is being carried out via the newly established CEOS-ARD Oversight Group. We have assembled representatives from the CEOS Virtual Constellations to explore the applicability of the CEOS-ARD Framework to domains and products other than land surface imaging.

The group has met 5 times since early 2022 and there have been good discussions around the specifics of ARD for Ocean Colour Radiometry (OCR-VC), Sea Surface Temperature (SST-VC), and Precipitation products (P-VC) in particular.

The Oversight Group is currently working to generalise the CEOS-ARD PFS Template so that it is applicable to all domains, after which new PFS for new products/domains will be considered. 

Matthew Steventon | 2022-08-15 08:49:42 UTC

The CEOS-ARD Oversight Group also convened a call on 'Hyperspectral CEOS-ARD'. The concept remains under investigation.

| 2020-09-04 21:09:34 UTC
Matthew Steventon | 2022-08-15 08:48:04 UTC

Suggest changing due date to 2024 Q4 – it is an ongoing long-term task

2020-09-04 21:09:34 UTC
Last Updated:
2023-02-12 16:05:59 UTC