
Number Title Status Creation year Completion date Description
D SDG-20-06 Satellite data requirements for SDG Indicator 15.3.1 (Land Degradation Neutrality) closed 2020 2022 Q2 Detailed assessment of the satellite data requirements for the production of...
D CB-22-07 Open-Source Science Outreach Plan and Training open 2022 2023 Q4 Prepare an outreach plan and conduct potential workshop(s) to raise awareness...
D COV-18-02 COVERAGE system evaluation (Phase D) closed 2018 2023 Q1 Testing and evaluation of the COVERAGE system
D CB-20-17 Provide CB Support to AGEOS on Forest Monitoring (Gabon) closed 2020 2022 Q4 Provide training on the use of Sentinel 1 images for forest monitoring on a...
D CV-23-06 Retrieval and validation of sea surface atmospheric pressure with microwave remote sensing open 2023 2025 Q2 Retrieval of sea surface atmospheric pressure with microwave measurements have...
D VC-14-15 OSVW Standards and Metrics closed 2014 2022 Q1 Standards and metrics for OSVW services and products;including standard...
D OUT-24-06 Integrate New Space data into the CEOS Analytics Lab open 2024 2024 Q4 Recommended deliverable from the 2023 CEOS New Space White Paper: The CEOS...
D CMRS-24-06 Submit 2024 Coordinated Action Plan to CGMS and CEOS Principals for approval open 2024 2024 Q2 This new Coordinated Action Plan stems from the Gap Analysis Report and the...
D VC-08 Action Plan for GEO Blue Planet Components closed 2014 2016 Q2 The OCR-VC, in accordance with OCR-VC Terms of Reference, will support the...
D CB-20-12 Collaborative Feasibility Study (Mexico) closed 2020 2022 Q3 10-week dual capacity building feasibility study focused around data cube...
D CMRS-16 Action Plan closed 2016 2018 Q2 The action plan will identify agreed actions that CEOS and CGMS Members and...
D CMRS-19 Joint CEOS/CGMS Response to the New GCOS IP closed 2016 2018 Q2 Complement the response to the GCOS IP 2016 with the technical supplement...
D VC-20-16 Precipitation product new version: GSMaP closed 2020 2022 Q1 New version of GSMaP Precipitation Products
D VC-32 CARD4L Product Assessment Framework closed 2017 2018 Q3
D CV-17-01 L1 top-of-atmosphere interoperability open 2017 2025 Q4 Develop an initial recommendation of a community reference in collaboration...
D VC-05 Greenhouse gas constellation coordination closed 2014 2016 Q4 Continued coordination for the GHG Constellation following Action Items as...
D DIS-12 Report on survey of donors for post-2017 operation of a Recovery Observatory closed 2015 2019 Q3 Report on survey of donors for post-2017 operation of a Recovery Observatory
D CB-20-10 In-Person Air Quality Training (Thailand) closed 2020 2020 Q4 Air Quality Training focused in Asia - Thailand
D CB-20-02 COVE Webinar closed 2020 2020 Q4 Prepare a COVE webinar
D VC-20-07 Identify the need for and prioritise developmentof future target products as the basis for new... closed 2020 2030 Q4 The development of further CEOS ARD specifications in other user and...
D CV-20-03 DEMIX open 2020 2024 Q1 Intecomparison of publicly-available DEM
D OUT-23-01 New Space sessions at CEOS meetings closed 2023 2023 Q4 Organise the New Space session at the main 2023 CEOS events (SIT meeting, SIT...
D CB-22-08 Copernicus training of trainers in Africa open 2022 2024 Q4 Training of Trainers Program that will be given in three languages :...
D CB-20-09 Capacity Development Guidance Document for GEOGLAM closed 2020 2021 Q1 Support GEOGLAM CapDev Team in developing their capacity development guidance...
D VC-20-15 Community engagement closed 2020 2022 Q1 Engage with the precipitation communities for best practices and current...
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