
Number Title Status Creation year Completion date Description
D CB-21-03 Earth Observation Training, Education, and Capacity Development Network (EOTEC DevNet) Tools and... closed 2021 2022 Q4 EOTEC DevNet Secretariat will support the collection and compilation of tools,...
D DIS-24-04 Data provision to the GEO GSNL initiative open 2024 2030 Q4 A number of CEOS agencies contribute EO data to the GSNL Supersites. This...
D VC-23-08 CEOS Representation to the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Analysis Ready Data (ARD) Standards... open 2023 2026 Q4 The OGC Analysis Ready Data Standards Working Group (ARD SWG), in partnership...
D SDG-24-03 EO Support sheet for SDG Indicator 14.1.1 (Marine Pollution) 2024 Review open 2024 2024 Q4
D CB-21-04 Zero Hunger MOOC closed 2021 2022 Q4 Develop and publish a MOOC regarding the role of EO in the SDG 'Zero...
D BON-22-01 Submit a proposal for a GBiOS side event at CBD COP-15 (Montreal, December 2022) and use the event... closed 2022 2022 Q4 GEO BON’s Global Biodiversity Observation System (GBiOS) is the focus of...
D GST-22-05 Prepare short document on potential focused observational campaigns for discussion at SIT... closed 2022 2022 Q2 Possible cooperation between CEOS agencies and others on field campaigns for...
D CB-22-10 Sentinel selected applications: practical training with Jupyter Notebooks on the ESA EO Platform open 2022 2023 Q4 Delivering a virtual training course on the use of the Sentinels for various...
D CV-20-04 SAR Calibration inventory and joint use assessment closed 2020 2021 Q4 Survey of inventory existing cal/val targets and sites;and evaluation of joint...
D SDG-24-04 UN-GGIM IAEG-SDGs WGGI Paper: Rescuing the SDGs open 2024 2024 Q4
D DIS-24-05 GEO-GSNL contribution to the WGDisasters open 2024 2030 Q4 The GSNL Supersites deliver biennial reports on their developments towards...
D VC-23-09 CEOS-ARD Community Building open 2023 2025 Q4 Promotion of CEOS-ARD and general community outreach. Ongoing activities...
D CB-21-05 Capacity Development for Flooding Plan closed 2021 2021 Q4 Based on results from WGCapD-10 discussions on flood-specific capacity...
D AGRI-22-01 Joint CEOS LPV & GEOGLAM EAV Crop Mapping Validation Protocol Workshop closed 2022 2022 Q4 Joint CEOS LPV & GEOGLAM EAV Crop Mapping Validation Protocol Workshop
D SDG-24-05 UNCCD Support: Land Cover Suitability for SIDS open 2024 2024 Q4
D BON-22-02 Develop the next level of detail for the Global Biodiversity Observation System (GBiOS) concept so... closed 2022 2023 Q4 The need for some sort of global biodiversity observation system has been...
D CB-20-06 Metadata Standards Tiger Team closed 2020 2022 Q2 Selection and definition of metadata standards for the exchange and processing...
D DIS-24-01 G-VEWERS open 2024 2030 Q4 Permanent Volcano Observatory from Space
D CV-24-01 Third Cabauw INtercomparison of DOAS-like Instruments (CINDI-3), May-June 2024 open 2024 2025 Q1 Semi-blind intercalibration and intercomparison field campaign of ground-based...
D VC-23-10 Expansion of the Aquatic Reflectance CEOS-ARD PFS to Cover Oceans open 2023 2023 Q4 The CEOS Land Surface Imaging Virtual Constellation (LSI-VC) has endorsed a...
D GST-22-06 GHG TT and AFOLU Roadmap Team to ensure their plans are consistent with each other in treatment of... closed 2022 2023 Q4 Follow up JRC GHG-AFOLU workshop and consider joint meetings of GHG/AFOLU...
D CV-24-02 Good Practices Protocol on Land Cover open 2024 2024 Q4 A community developed document detailing standards and methods for validating...
D DATA-19-02 Mekong Data Cube closed 2019 2021 Q4 Develop and demonstrate a Mekong Data Cube supporting Vietnam;Laos;Cambodia...
D AGRI-22-02 CEOS Response to GEOGLAM Requirements open 2022 2024 Q4 CEOS Response to GEOGLAM Requirements
D GST-22-07 Establish National Inventory Test User Group and channels for country feedback on CEOS products... open 2022 2024 Q3 Develop country by country demonstrators for use of CEOS products in their...
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