
Number Title Status Creation year Completion date Description
D CARB-20-02 Integrated Carbon Cycle interface between CEOS and the UNFCCC open 2019 2023 Q1 Building on the important connections established by WGClimate;this task will...
D VC-20-03 Air quality constellation validation coordination: validation plans open 2020 2023 Q2 Coordinate the writing of harmonized GEO-AQ mission validation plans.
D CARB-19-03 Early Warning Module for GFOI open 2019 2023 Q2 Scoping discussions continue amongst the GFOI Leads for the definition of a...
D CARB-20-05 Support and encourage space data uptake in GFOI countries open 2020 2023 Q4 Awareness;education;coverage information;and facilitation of discovery;uptake...
D CARB-17-05 Cal/val and production of biomass products from CEOS Agency missions open 2017 2023 Q4 Development of a coordinated cal/val strategy across NASA and ESA biomass...
D SDG-23-05 Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) Task open 2023 2023 Q4 The task will assess the decision tree workflows in the SDG 15.3.1 Good...
D CARB-21-01 GST1 Prototype Products and Guidance open 2021 2023 Q4 Develop prototype CEOS data products and associated user guidance material in...
D VC-20-01 Tropospheric ozone dataset validation and harmonization open 2020 2023 Q4 Production of peer-reviewed papers on intercomparisons and harmonization of...
D VC-20-04 Air quality constellation validation coordination: announcements of opportunity open 2020 2023 Q4 Coordinate the formulation of harmonized GEO-AQ Announcements of Opportunity...
D VC-23-10 Expansion of the Aquatic Reflectance CEOS-ARD PFS to Cover Oceans open 2023 2023 Q4 The CEOS Land Surface Imaging Virtual Constellation (LSI-VC) has endorsed a...
D CMRS-23-04 Provide Agency Response to GCOP IP open 2023 2023 Q4 Status updates and comments focused on Space Supplement
D CB-23-05 Digital Earth Africa online courses: Water resources (English, French), Agriculture (English,... open 2023 2023 Q4 Build capacity of end users to develop use cases in water resource management,...
D DIS-22-04 Wild Fire Pilot Final Report open 2022 2023 Q4 Final report fo the WG Disasters Wildfire pilot
D CB-22-07 Open-Source Science Outreach Plan and Training open 2022 2023 Q4 Prepare an outreach plan and conduct potential workshop(s) to raise awareness...
D CARB-19-04 Forest Biomass measurements for GFOI countries open 2019 2023 Q4 The new generation of Above Ground Biomass measurement missions offers great...
D CB-22-10 Sentinel selected applications: practical training with Jupyter Notebooks on the ESA EO Platform open 2022 2023 Q4 Delivering a virtual training course on the use of the Sentinels for various...
D CARB-23-04 Update GHG Roadmap open 2023 2024 Q1 Review and update the GHG Roadmap Action list (Annex C)
D CV-23-02 SARCalnet: Establishment of initial SARCalnet processes and network initiation open 2023 2024 Q1 Network of curated calibration sites for SAR cal/val. It includes standard...
D CARB-23-05 New Space and GHG product development and standards setting open 2023 2024 Q1 Engage with New Space and commercial sector in GHG product development and...
D CV-22-01 Validation protocols for atmospheric aerosol and cloud profiles open 2022 2024 Q1 Development of validation protocols for atmospheric aerosol and cloud profiles
D VC-23-03 Aquatic reflectance ARD open 2023 2024 Q1 Development of Aquatic reflectance ARD for all water types (from inland...
D CARB-19-02 Phase II R&D Programme for GFOI open 2019 2024 Q1 The existing GFOI R&D programme and corresponding data supply activity...
D CV-20-03 DEMIX open 2020 2024 Q1 Intecomparison of publicly-available DEM
D VC-20-10 CEOS-Industry ARD Workshop open 2020 2024 Q2 Organise a dedicated CEOS ARD workshop;inviting agencies and the private...
D CB-23-03 Guidance Document for Conducting Needs Assessments for Capacity Building open 2023 2024 Q2 Produce a Guidance Document for Conducting Needs Assessments for Capacity...
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