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D VC-14-09: Implementation of the International Network for Sensor InTercomparison and Uncertainty Assessment for Ocean Colour Radiometry (INSITU-OCR)
Implementation of the International Network for Sensor InTercomparison and Uncertainty Assessment for Ocean Colour Radiometry (INSITU-OCR)
Creation Year:
Completion Date:
2026 Q4 (747 days remaining)

Implementation of the International Network for Sensor InTercomparison and Uncertainty Assessment for Ocean Colour Radiometry (INSITUOCR);including recommendations of the INSITUOCR White Paper ( and establishment of the INSITU-OCR Secretariat (EUMETSAT;NASA and NOAA). Implementation is following a modular approach.

Link to GEO Work Programme:
External Reference:
Responsible Users:
Marie-Helene RIO, Ewa Kwiatkowska
Responsible CEOS Entities:
Contributing Agencies:

Relevant Sustainable Development Goal (SDG):
Progress Reports:
2019-09-07 03:10:24 UTC

IOCCG requested that agencies identify resources to support the INSITU-OCR; IOCCG is using this information to identify gaps in infrastructure that agencies could collectively address. ?As of June 2015, agencies were requested to submit to the IOCCG Chair a short list of actual gaps in support of existing/upcoming missions, a list of priorities from their perspective, as well as areas where they need help, e.g., a need for more validation sites. ?Once the OCR-VC has this updated information compiled, it will be conveyed to CEOS-SIT via the OCR-VC Chairs. ?Additionally, there have been recent discussions about the format for submissions of in situ data to the agencies. ?(Note: it would be beneficial to have an interagency standard template.) ?Next SIT meeting will be the deadline for the OCR-VC gap analysis along with mapping exercise output from VC-07. ?Sustaining current operational activities and establishing new efforts (e.g., pilot investments and projects) to move the OCR-VC and INSITU-OCR forward is a very high priority. ?NASA has supported three new projects in the areas of the vicarious calibration instrumentation competition for future ocean color missions, as a contribution to INSITU-OCR, and ESA is planning to release an open tender action this spring addressing the need for improved OCR in-situ instrumentation and community consensus protocols for instrument calibration and vicarious adjustments as well as establishing traceability to metrological institutes. ?NOAA continues to fund and sustain MOBY operations (including an on-going system refresh), supporting present and upcoming (operational) missions. ?Additionally, all agencies will be asked to contribute towards the ?protocols activity? (e.g., small committee to catalogue and share information regarding in situ instrumentation (for calibration and validation) protocols. ?The IOCCG will host a website to disseminate all relevant lists and information (prototype being developed by NASA at: ?The ultimate goal is to enable communication about the refinement of in situ measurement protocols and to reduce redundancy in efforts, fill in gaps, and better target opportunities and key players. This is an early contribution to INSITU-OCR, and this multi-agency collaboration will advance its implementation.?

Ewa Kwiatkowska | 2019-09-30 16:17:33 UTC

Implementation of INSITU-OCR White Paper recommendations follows a modular approach coordinated across the agencies. The Deliverable is wide and long-term. The goal is  to retain focus on the broad picture of OCR requirements and to report milestones on the priority activities. Current progress on the ongoing priority activities: 


  • Significant progress on Ocean Colour System Vicarious Calibration (OC-SVC)  (White Paper R1.4), including an agreement on the requirements for OC-SVC and inter-agency OC-SVC infrastructure development activities: 
  • NOAA – MOBY ongoing operations and technology refreshment
  • NASA – completed the first phase of PACE OCSVC development, 3 projects funded (3-year/US$8M investment)
  • NASA – initiated the second phase PACE OCSVC development with the goal for the infrastructure to be in water about 2021
  • ESA – produced community Copernicus OCSVC recommendations via FRM4SOC workshops in Feb 2017 / Oct 2018
  • ESA / CNES / Copernicus – BOUSSOLE ongoing operations
  • JRC – peerreview publications, OC-SVC requirements
  • EUMETSAT – completed “Requirements for Copernicus OCSVC Infrastructure”
  • EUMETSAT – completing “Preliminary design of Copernicus OCSVC Infrastructure”


  • Permanent working group on satellite sensor calibration  (White Paper R1.3)
  •  IOCCG / OCRVC instrument calibration task force - regular workshops at IOCS meetings


  • Permanent working groups on algorithm topics  (White Paper 2.2)
  • current IOCCG Working Group: Harmful Algal Blooms
  • current IOCCG Working Group: Intercomparison of Atmospheric Correction Algorithms over OpticallyComplex Waters
  • current IOCCG Working Group: Role of Ocean Colour in Biogeochemical, Ecosystem and Climate Modelling (report to be published soon)


  • Product uncertainties   (White Paper R2.3)
  • current IOCCG Working Group: Uncertainties in Ocean Colour Remote Sensing (report to be published soon)


  • Continuous consolidation and update of measurement protocols  (White Paper R3.2)
  • IOCCG protocols:
    • Volume 1.0 - Inherent Optical Property Measurements and Protocols: Absorption Coefficient (Nov 2018)
    • Volume 2.0 - Beam Transmission and Attenuation Coefficients: Instruments, Characterization, Field Measurements and Data Analysis Protocols (Apr 2019)
    • Protocols for Satellite Ocean Color Data Validation: In situ Optical Radiometry (In Press)
    • Noteworthy and Supplemental Topics on Ocean Colour Radiometry Protocols (Draft)
    • Best Practices for the Collection and Processing of Ship-Based Underway Flow-Through Optical Data (In Press)
  • ESA / FRM4SOC radiometry protocols documented in special issue Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(9)
Ewa Kwiatkowska | 2021-08-24 16:10:55 UTC

The implementation status of INSITU-OCR White Paper recommendations as of August 2021.

The VC-14-09 Deliverable is broad and long-term. The implementation continues following a modular approach coordinated across the agencies. The goal is to retain focus on the broad picture of OCR requirements and to report milestones on the priority activities. Here is the current update on the ongoing priority activities: 

Significant progress on Ocean Colour System Vicarious Calibration (OC-SVC)  (White Paper R1.4), including an agreement on the requirements for OC-SVC and inter-agency OC-SVC infrastructure development activities: 

  • NOAA – MOBY ongoing operations and technology refreshment,
  • NASA – initiated the second phase PACE OC-SVC development,
  • ESA – produced community Copernicus OC-SVC recommendations via FRM4SOC activity,
  • ESA / CNES / Copernicus – BOUSSOLE ongoing operations,
  • JRC – peer review publications, OC-SVC requirements,
  • EUMETSAT Copernicus OC-SVC Infrastructure developments,

 Permanent working groups on

  • satellite sensor calibration  (White Paper R1.3)
  • OC-SVC (White Paper R1.4)

Working groups on algorithm topics  (White Paper 2.2)

  •  Harmful Algal Blooms  (White Paper 2.2)
  • Intercomparison of Atmospheric Correction Algorithms over OpticallyComplex Waters (White Paper 2.2)
  • Role of Ocean Colour in Biogeochemical, Ecosystem and Climate Modelling (White Paper 2.2)
  • Product uncertainties  (White Paper R2.3)

Continuous consolidation and update of measurement protocols  (White Paper R3.2)

  • IOCCG protocols:
    • Volume 1.0 - Inherent Optical Property Measurements and Protocols: Absorption Coefficient (Nov 2018)
    • Volume 2.0 - Beam Transmission and Attenuation Coefficients: Instruments, Characterization, Field Measurements and Data Analysis Protocols (Apr 2019)
    • Volume 3.0 - Protocols for Satellite Ocean Color Data Validation: In situ Optical Radiometry (Dec 2019)
    • Volume 4.0 - Inherent Optical Property Measurements and Protocols: Best Practices for the Collection and Processing of Ship-Based Underway Flow-Through Optical Data (Nov 2019)
    • Volume 5.0 - Measurement Protocol of Absorption by Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) and Other Dissolved Materials (Draft)
    • Volume 6.0: Particulate Organic Carbon Sampling and Measurement Protocols: Consensus Towards Future Ocean Color Missions (Draft)
    • Volume 7.0 - Aquatic Primary Productivity Field Protocols for Satellite Validation and Model Synthesis (Draft)
    • Noteworthy and Supplemental Topics on Ocean Colour Radiometry Protocols (Draft)
Ewa Kwiatkowska | 2022-08-12 11:52:44 UTC

The implementation status of INSITU-OCR White Paper recommendations as of August 2022.

The VC-14-09 Deliverable is broad and long-term. The implementation continues following a modular approach coordinated across the agencies. The goal is to retain focus on the broad picture of OCR requirements and to report milestones on the priority activities. Here is the current update on the ongoing priority activities: 

Significant progress on Ocean Colour System Vicarious Calibration (OC-SVC)  (White Paper R1.4), including:

  • Completion of Copernicus/EUMETSAT investigations of candidate locations for a potential OC-SVC infrastructure in European sea waters:
  • Deployments of NASA's two candidate OC-SVC infrastructures for the PACE mission: HyperNAV and MarONet

Comprehensive activities are ongoing on 'Aquatic Carbon from Space' (White Paper R2.2)

  • ESA Workshop 14-18 Feb 2022:
  • Earth Science Reviews special issue in preparation for December 2022

IOCCG Working groups on algorithm topics expanded (White Paper R2.2):

  • Remote Sensing of Marine Litter and Debris
  • Conducting Benthic Reflectance Measurements

IOCCG new Reports were published:

  • Uncertainties in Ocean Colour Remote Sensing (White Paper R2.3)
  • Synergy between Ocean Colour and Biogeochemical/Ecosystem Models (White Paper R2.2)
  • Observation of Harmful Algal Blooms with Ocean Colour Radiometry (White Paper R2.2)

Agencies published validation protocols, e.g. EUMETSAT Sentinel-3 OLCI validation protocol  (White Paper R2.7):

In situ data traceability and protocols have been further developed (White Paper R3):

  • IOCCG protocol series:
  • Copernicus/EUMETSAT FRM4SOC-2:
Ewa Kwiatkowska | 2023-10-11 09:29:14 UTC

IOCCG/OCR-VC agencies are coordinating on space sensor calibration, characterisation and temporal stability (White Paper R1):

  • The next regular meeting of the IOCCG Calibration Task Force is at the IOCS’23 meeting in November (White Paper R1.3).
  • Significant progress and agency coordination on Ocean Colour System Vicarious Calibration (OC-SVC) (White Paper R1.4), including:
  • OC-SVC Task Force meeting at the IOCS’23 meeting in November
  • Copernicus/EUMETSAT OC-SVC Information Day on 8 November 2023 to advance developments towards a potential OC-SVC infrastructure in European sea waters:
  • Deployments of NASA's two OC-SVC infrastructures for the PACE mission: HyperNAV and MarONet
  • Ongoing operations of NOAA’s MOBY system.

IOCCG/OCR-VC agencies are coordinating on development and assessment of satellite products (White Paper R2):

  • Comprehensive activities are ongoing on 'Aquatic Carbon from Space' (White Paper R2.2)
  • IOCCG/OCR-VC leads: Marie-Helene Rio, Laura Lorenzoni, Hiroshi Murakami
  • CEOS Aquatic Carbon Roadmap activities initiated, including SIT and plenary presentations
  • Earth Science Reviews Special Issue ‘Aquatic carbon stocks and fluxes: The big picture from remote sensing’ published, 239/240, 2023.
  • IOCCG new Task Forces (White Paper R2.2):
  • Remote Sensing of Marine Litter and Debris
  • Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of the Ocean
  • Ocean Carbon
  • IOCCG new Working Groups (White Paper R2.2):
  • Conducting Benthic Reflectance Measurements
  • Ocean Primary Production from Space
  • Classification of Optical Water Types in Aquatic Radiometry
  • Product uncertainties (White Paper R2.3) included for many missions, e.g. Sentinel-3 OLCI, PACE.
  • Validation protocols (White Paper R2.7) available for many missions, e.g. Sentinel-3 OLCI

IOCCG/OCR-VC agencies are coordinating on in situ data (White Paper R3):

IOCCG/OCR-VC agencies are coordinating on all aspects of information management and support (White Paper R4.1 – R4.5).

2019-09-07 03:10:24 UTC
Last Updated:
2023-10-11 09:29:14 UTC