
Number Title Status Creation year Completion date Description
D VC-20-10 CEOS-Industry ARD Workshop open 2020 2024 Q2 Organise a dedicated CEOS ARD workshop;inviting agencies and the private...
D CARB-17-05 Cal/val and production of biomass products from CEOS Agency missions open 2017 2023 Q4 Development of a coordinated cal/val strategy across NASA and ESA biomass...
D VC-24-08 Coordination with Agency PoCs, incl. tasking of new polarimetric observations and requests for... open 2024 2025 Q1
D CB-20-21 Copernicus User Uptake in Africa open 2020 2025 Q4 Copernicus User Uptake in Africa via technical support in the field of...
D CB-22-08 Copernicus training of trainers in Africa open 2022 2024 Q4 Training of Trainers Program that will be given in three languages :...
D CARB-24-05 Create a governance to collaborate across GHG, AFOLU and aquatic carbon roadmap activities open 2024 2024 Q4 Recently the AFOLU roadmap has been endorsed and the aquatic carbon roadmap is...
D CV-20-03 DEMIX open 2020 2024 Q1 Intecomparison of publicly-available DEM
D DIS-24-04 Data provision to the GEO GSNL initiative open 2024 2030 Q4 A number of CEOS agencies contribute EO data to the GSNL Supersites. This...
D CARB-24-02 Define interface between CEOS & G3W during its implementation phase open 2024 2025 Q3 CEOS has supported WMO through the GHG Study Group to initially draft a...
D GST-22-04 Deliver results of GST Strategy actions to key meetings in the UNFCCC Calendar, including SBSTA... open 2022 2024 Q4 Ensure coordinated inputs to SBSTA and RSO annually for use of satellite data...
D CV-23-01 Develop an FRM Assessment Framework open 2023 2024 Q4 Fiducial Reference Measurement Self Assessment process will be put in place...
D VC-20-27 Development of protocols for bio-optical in situ measurements open 2020 2026 Q4 Volume 1.0 - Inherent Optical Property Measurements and Protocols: Absorption...
D CB-23-05 Digital Earth Africa online courses: Water resources (English, French), Agriculture (English,... open 2023 2023 Q4 Build capacity of end users to develop use cases in water resource management,...
D CMRS-24-07 Document GST1 lessons learned and GST2 recommendations (Lead for this activity is pending SIT-39... open 2024 2025 Q4 This is a clear need that multiple parties have called for. WGClimate believes...
D SDG-24-01 EO Support Sheet for SDG Indicator 6.6.1 (Water) 2024 Review open 2024 2024 Q4
D SDG-24-02 EO Support sheet for SDG Indicator 11.3.1 (Urbanization) 2024 Review open 2024 2024 Q4
D SDG-24-03 EO Support sheet for SDG Indicator 14.1.1 (Marine Pollution) 2024 Review open 2024 2024 Q4
D SDG-23-04 EO Support sheet for SDG Indicator 15.3.1 (Land degradation) 2023 Review open 2023 2024 Q4 Ensure and/or perform with lead experts an annual update of the EO support...
D CB-22-14 EO and Capacity Building Curriculum open 2022 2024 Q2 Develop EO capacity building curriculum and learning pathways to include...
D CB-22-12 EOTEC DevNet Multi-Stakeholder Network Analysis open 2022 2024 Q2 Complete and deliver final report on multi-stakeholder network analysis that...
D CB-24-02 ESA/ISRO PolSAR Training open 2024 2024 Q4 Polarimetric SAR training course in India, by ISRO and ESA
D CB-24-01 ESA/NASA Trans-Atlantic Training 11 open 2024 2024 Q3 Joint training course for BSc and MSc level students to teach EO theory and...
D CARB-19-03 Early Warning Module for GFOI open 2019 2023 Q2 Scoping discussions continue amongst the GFOI Leads for the definition of a...
D BON-23-02 Ecosystem Extent Demonstrator open 2023 2024 Q4 Explore and propose an initiative to demonstrate the use of EO for ecosystem...
D CB-24-03 Engage & empower South African youth to use EO for Economic Empowerment open 2024 2025 Q1 Building on the inaugural GEO Ministerial Summit Youth Declaration and working...
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