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D CV-20-02: Biomass Retrieval Intercomparison eXercise (BRIX-2)
Biomass Retrieval Intercomparison eXercise (BRIX-2)
Creation Year:
Completion Date:
2023 Q4

BRIX-2 represents a joint effort to intercompare algorithms specifically for biomass mapping using current and future spaceborne missions (GEDI;NISAR and BIOMASS). These objectives shall be achieved by making available standardised test cases supported by the ESA/NASA MAAP (based on airborne campaign and spaceborne simulated data);inviting the scientific community to develop and apply retrieval algorithms based on this test case;and finally compare and evaluate the performance of submitted results. Two workshops will be conducted;the first one to define the exercise (in Jan/Feb 2021 - tbc) and the second one to discuss the results. The evaluation will be done by ESA/NASA following the CEOS WGCV LPV guidelines. The outcome of the exercise will be published in peer-reviewed literature.

Link to GEO Work Programme:
External Reference:
Responsible Users:
P. Goryl, Riza Singh
Responsible CEOS Entities:
Contributing Agencies:
Relevant Sustainable Development Goal (SDG):
Progress Reports:
2020-09-04 21:09:32 UTC
on track
P. Goryl | 2022-11-22 14:10:54 UTC

The first workshop took place in April 2021. The exercise is still standing at the phase in which users are developing their biomass retrieval models, adapting it to the provided test databases, and generating the corresponding biomass maps. The different teams are progressing slowly in adapting their models to the test dataset. there is still no team ready to share their results yet. The objective is still to deliver the various biomass maps before the end of the year. A workshop for discussing/analysing the result will follow in Q1 2023. As issue, one can report that there is less partipants as originally expected. 

Marie-Claire Greening | 2023-02-12 18:26:23 UTC

BRIX-2 has been delayed due to covid situation and also leading to under-participation from the community. Three teams are now working on the finalisation of the models comparison. The analysis of the results should be completed within 2023; a wrap-meeting will be organised. The results, data, and models will be available from the ESA/NASA Mission Analysis Algorithm Platform (MAAP)

Excecutive Support - Evenflow | 2024-02-26 15:12:35 UTC

The inter-comparison exercise for BRIX-2 experienced a lack of participation, with limited results being submitted.
BRIX-2 was organised by ESA together with NASA on 29-30 April 2021. BRIX-2 was decided to be closed with two teams providing the preliminary results. This deliverable can be closed

| 2020-09-04 21:09:32 UTC
First workshop planned for early 2021
P. Goryl | 2022-11-22 14:11:20 UTC

1st Worksop took place in April 2021

2020-09-04 21:09:32 UTC
Last Updated:
2024-02-26 15:13:02 UTC