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D WAT-22-01: Provide inputs for coastal sediment, coastal eutrophication and Blue Carbon pilot projects being co-designed and co-developed on a regional basis in concert with GEO Blue Planet, GEO AquaWatch, MBON and associated downstream stakeholders
Provide inputs for coastal sediment, coastal eutrophication and Blue Carbon pilot projects being co-designed and co-developed on a regional basis in concert with GEO Blue Planet, GEO AquaWatch, MBON and associated downstream stakeholders
Creation Year:
Completion Date:
2024 Q4 (72 days overdue)

Provide inputs for coastal sediment, coastal eutrophication and Blue Carbon pilot projects being co-designed and co-developed on a regional basis in concert with GEO Blue Planet, GEO AquaWatch, MBON and associated downstream stakeholders

Link to GEO Work Programme:
GEO Blue Planet, GEO AquaWatch, MBON
External Reference:
Responsible Users:
Paul Di Giacomo, Merrie Beth Neely
Responsible CEOS Entities:
Contributing Agencies:

Relevant Sustainable Development Goal (SDG):
Progress Reports:
Merrie Beth Neely | 2022-09-02 17:45:50 UTC

Work is well underway on most of these products.  Blue Carbon efforts and collaboration with MBON have been discussed, but no work has commenced. COAST is on track to complete this work by Q4.  New milestones will be created for future work.

Marie-Claire Greening | 2023-02-15 15:46:38 UTC

Building on the successful partnerships with GEO BluePlanet and GEO AquaWatch, CEOS COAST will continue to provide support to enhance the coastal eutrophication indicator for SDG14.1.1, particularly evolving it to the sub-regional level. COAST will continue to develop its regional Pilot Projects, augmenting the established efforts in Bay of Bengal and Chesapeake Bay with expansion into the West coast of Africa, small island states in the Pacific and the Caribbean, and the Rio de La Plata region in South America. These pilots will continue to leverage CEOS-EAIL, and outputs will be inputted into the COAST Application Knowledge Hub (beta release prior to SIT-38). Further, a prospectus for a COAST Blue Carbon Project will be delivered prior to SIT-39, in partnership with GEO MBON, et al.

Merrie Beth Neely | 2023-10-13 12:53:52 UTC

CEOS COAST members have successfully completed co-design and co-development efforts of several regional products and the application knowledge hub.  Some work, in areas of mutual interest, was completed with the participation or assistance of GEO BluePlanet and GEO AquaWatch to benefit associated downstream stakeholders.  COAST collaboration with GEOBON/MBON stalled in 2023, but might renew in November 2023 following the outcome of the GEOBON meeting.  An emerging area of interest for COAST under the theme Blue Carbon is support for the Ecosystem Atlas effort let by GEO.  

Proposed new milestone for Q4 2024 will be to advance CEOS COAST product development and co-design work with local and regional stakeholders in polar regions and in Blue Carbon (ideally in concert with GEOBON) and enhancing a coastal eutrophication product using artificial intelligence/machine learning techniques.  

Merrie Beth Neely | 2023-10-13 12:54:52 UTC

OK to close Q4 2023 milestone and to add the newly proposed milestone for the next activity workplan

2022-02-18 18:54:56 UTC
Last Updated:
2024-04-19 13:11:07 UTC