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D CV-22-01: Validation protocols for atmospheric aerosol and cloud profiles
Validation protocols for atmospheric aerosol and cloud profiles
Creation Year:
Completion Date:
2024 Q1

Development of validation protocols for atmospheric aerosol and cloud profiles

Link to GEO Work Programme:
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Responsible Users:
Jean-Christopher Lambert, Riza Singh
Responsible CEOS Entities:
Contributing Agencies:
Relevant Sustainable Development Goal (SDG):
Progress Reports:
Jean-Christopher Lambert | 2022-09-01 07:53:10 UTC

Update Sep.1, 2022: Collaborations on best practice protocols for validation of aerosol, cloud, and precipitation products are taking shape, as follows: A group of scientists involved in validation of CALIPSO, Cloudsat, Aeolus, EarthCARE, and AOS, and ESA and NASA colleagues have converged on a structure for the best practice document. The group of collaborators is gradually expanding, and NASA's Sub-Orbital Working Group for the AOS mission has recently confirmed its interest to join this effort. Three coordination meetings have been held thus far. ESA has begun development of an open-source simulation tool implementing best practices for confronting nadir pointing space-borne lidars with their zenith looking ground-based counterparts. It intends to complement this tool with its equivalent for radar, and make these available to the broader validation community.

Marie-Claire Greening | 2023-02-12 18:27:46 UTC

Best practice Technical Note is planned for  Q3 2023, and a consolidated version for Q1 2024

Jean-Christopher Lambert | 2023-09-06 14:20:58 UTC

The formulation of best practices for validation of aerosol, cloud, and precipitation profiles is on course for delivery for a first draft for broader community review by October 2023 and a final version to CEOS WGCV by April 2024.

The group of contributors continues to expand with further scientists involved in EarthCARE and AOS and their predecessor missions, including JAXA personnel and Japanese scientists.  Also, EUMETSAT joined as an observer.

In the meantime, the community involved intends to publish related papers in peer-review journals, after completion of the CEOS protocol. The development of an open-source simulator tool to allow validation of orbital radar level-1 products with sub-orbital radars is now underway, complementing similar simulation tools for lidar and imager instruments which are nearing completion.


Jean-Christopher Lambert | 2023-09-06 14:22:25 UTC

The formulation of best practices for validation of aerosol, cloud, and precipitation profiles is on course for delivery for a first draft for broader community review by October 2023 and a final version to CEOS WGCV by April 2024.

The group of contributors continues to expand with further scientists involved in EarthCARE and AOS and their predecessor missions, including JAXA personnel and Japanese scientists.  Also, EUMETSAT joined as an observer.

In the meantime, the community involved intends to publish related papers in peer-review journals, after completion of the CEOS protocol. The development of an open-source simulator tool to allow validation of orbital radar level-1 products with sub-orbital radars is now underway, complementing similar simulation tools for lidar and imager instruments which are nearing completion.

Jean-Christopher Lambert | 2024-02-08 17:14:22 UTC

The formulation of best practices for validation of aerosol, cloud, and precipitation profiles has resulted in a first draft for review outside the team of 80+ contributors, namely the EarthCARE Validation Team. The document will be circulated by 9 February 2024, in the context of the EarthCARE Validation Rehearsal, in order to collect feedback for the delivery to CEOS which remains on track for April 2024.

Excecutive Support - Evenflow | 2024-02-26 15:33:02 UTC

The formulation of best practices for validation of aerosol, cloud, and precipitation profiles has resulted in a first draft for review outside the team of 80+ contributors, namely the EarthCARE Validation Team. The document will be circulated by 9 February 2024, in the context of the EarthCARE Validation Rehearsal, in order to collect feedback for the delivery to CEOS which remains on track for April 2024.

Jean-Christopher Lambert | 2024-09-27 14:03:54 UTC

After review in the EarthCARE validation team, which includes a broad participation of scientists involved in past and future aerosol and cloud profiling missions, the document "Best practices for the validation of Aerosol, Cloud, and Precipitation Profiles (ACPPV)" by Amiridis, Cecil, Koopman, et al. (283 pp.) has been submitted for CEOS WGCV review in September 2024.


Jean-Christopher Lambert | 2025-02-19 10:26:29 UTC

The document "CEOS Best practices for the validation of Aerosol, Cloud, and Precipitation Profiles (ACPPV)" by Amiridis, Cecil, Koopman, et al. (283 pp., 2024) was delivered to CEOS WGCV for review in September 2024, discussed and endorsed at WGCV-54 (October 15-18, 2024), and its endorsement presented at the 38th CEOS Plenary (October 22-24, 2024) for information. This Deliverable was closed at the end of October 2024.

Jean-Christopher Lambert | 2022-09-01 07:55:27 UTC

Main point of contact for this activity: Dr. Rob Koopman, ESA/ESTEC

2022-02-18 14:49:18 UTC
Last Updated:
2025-02-19 10:26:47 UTC