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D CARB-21-01: GST1 Prototype Products and Guidance
GST1 Prototype Products and Guidance
Creation Year:
Completion Date:
2023 Q4 (437 days overdue)

Develop prototype CEOS data products and associated user guidance material in support of national and global level users for the 1st Global Stocktake

Link to GEO Work Programme:
GEO Climate WG
External Reference:
Responsible Users:
Osamu Ochiai
Responsible CEOS Entities:
LSI-VC Forests Team
SIT Chair
WGClimate GHG Task Team
Contributing Agencies:
Relevant Sustainable Development Goal (SDG):
Progress Reports:
Brian Killough | 2021-09-09 00:12:30 UTC

The AFOLU team is planning a prototype demonstration using the satellite datasets developed for COP-26/GST1. This demo will use land classification data to calculate class changes between two time periods which could be further used to estimate carbon stock changes and demonstrate how countries might use our data in combination in support of their reporting. Preliminary plans are to work with a country in Africa in cooperation with the DE-Africa team, who have offered their support - recognising the potential of the CEOS datasets.

Brian Killough | 2021-09-12 01:13:15 UTC

Report from Dave Crisp: Preliminary versions of the nation-scale top-down pilot CO2 and CH4 flux budgets have been produced and were presented at the SIT Technical Workshop Side Meeting for CEOS Global Stocktake Stakeholders on 8 September 2021. Preliminary versions of the documentation were also delivered prior to this meeting and is currently undergoing review and revision. The CO2 products are based on flux inversion results derived from NASA Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) observations by the OCO-2 Flux Multi-Model Intercomparison Project (OCO-2 Flux MIP). The development of the pilot nation-scale CO2 inventory products were led by Brendan Byrne (NASA JPL). The CH4 products are based on flux inversion results derived from Japan’s Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite (GOSAT) by the NASA Carbon Management System Flux (CMS-Flux) team. The development of the pilot nation-scale CH4 inventory products were led by John Worden (NASA JPL/AC-VC). The status of these products and their documentation will be briefly summarized in Session 2.3.8 of the SIT Technical Workshop. The next step is to post the CO2 and CH4 products along with a brief summary of their contents on the CEOS Global Stocktake webpage ( ). These products and their documentation will continue to be revised through October 2021, in preparation for their presentation to the UNFCCC COP-26. That delivery is expected to close Action # CARB-21-01 on schedule (2021 Q4).

Marie-Claire Greening | 2022-02-20 21:26:05 UTC

Both the AFOLU and GHG Teams developed prototype EO satellite data based products to support country reporting to UNFCCC through the GST process ahead of COP-26. SIT Chair Team coordinated development of a CEOS GST Portal to serve as a consolidated repository for these products and the associated guidance for product users. This Portal will be kept up to date as developments in products require. A Use Case section will be added in 2022 in collaboration with USGS SilvaCarbon.

2021-02-18 18:29:27 UTC
Last Updated:
2022-08-11 14:43:05 UTC