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D DIS-15-04: Implementation of data coordination for the GEO GSNL initiative
Implementation of data coordination for the GEO GSNL initiative
Creation Year:
Completion Date:
2030 Q4 (2119 days remaining)

Status report on GSNL GEO Initiative with particular focus on the contribution of the CEOS data;data use and integration;contributions to research and geohazard assessemnts per original GSNL plan. Recommendation: Close this action in Q4 and create NEXT phase task

Link to GEO Work Programme:
External Reference:
Responsible Users:
Stefano Salvi
Responsible CEOS Entities:
Contributing Agencies:
Relevant Sustainable Development Goal (SDG):
Progress Reports:
2019-09-07 03:10:24 UTC

Update September, 2018, CEOS contribution to GEO GSNL initiative proceeds smoothly. Several agencies continue to support these sites. There are currently a network of 11 Supersites worlwide.During 2018, WG Disasters has evalueted biennal reports from Icelandic, Marmara, Etna and Campi Flegrei/Vesuvio Supersites and has reccomanded their continuation.The Point of Contact of the Virunga Supersite, approved at Pleanry 2017, has shown good progresses during the september WG Disasters meeting.New proposals are under Scientfic Advisory Committe consideration .  Update March, 2018Ongoing supersites will be reviewed every 2 years.Last Update Oct 12, 2017:Continue support to the GEO GSNL Initiative. A series of new proposals is expected in the coming weeks; up to three proposals: Chile, DR of Congo, Peru (Andes multi-hazard supersite proposal). The San Andreas Fault Natural Laboratory was approved at SIT-32 and final letter being prepared by DCT. GSNL proposals approval might be requested at Plenary.Stating to support the Landslides Pilot: Data requests for CSK, Pleiades, RADARSAT and TerraSAR data are being prepared.Data is being acquired since beginning of Summer 2014. Data has been processed by several non-space agencies involved in Pilots and some results presented at CEOS Plenary. In particular, GSNL scientists also receive regularly data for all Permanent (approved at past CEOS plenaries) and Event Supersites (approved by WGDisasters Data Coordination Team).ACTION: Proposed for amendment by only retaining GEO GSNL as the provision of data has become a routine activity that runs without major difficulty for the DRM Pilots.

| 2019-09-16 13:02:27 UTC

Updated September 2019. CEOS contribution to GEO GSNL initiative proceeds smoothly. ASI, DLR, CNES, CSA continue to support the Supersites with imagery. ESA supports the initiative providing data archiving and processing capacities through the Geohazard Exploitation Platform. There are currently 11 Supersites worldwide. One proposal from Peru is still under evaluation. One proposal for an earthquake Supersite in China has been received September 15, 2019 and is now under evaluation. Continues the reporting from the Supersites, biennial reports from the Hawaii, Enceladus (GR), Taupo (NZ), Ecuador, and San Andreas Fault Supersites have been received and positively evaluated by WGDisasters Data Coordination Team. Agencies defined the image quotas available for each Supersite. For some of them image delivery has started. Supersite activities have also been reported by GSNL Chair at WG Disaster telecons and meetings. Coordination between GSNL and the Pilots has been put in place to avoid duplication of requests.

David Borges | 2021-09-07 21:22:04 UTC

Updated September 2021. The number of Supersites supported by CEOS has increased to 14. In 2020 a volcano Supersite in Kamchatka and a seismic Supersite in China have been approved , In 2021 a volcano Supersite in Nicaragua has been approved. ASI, DLR and  CNES are the agencies which mainly support image data to the Supersites, ASI has added to the contributions two new satellites: CSK Second Generation and PRISMA.

ESA continues to support the initiative providing data archiving and processing capacities through the new program Network of Resources, a funded sponsorship program which allows GSNL to maintain thousands of open imagery data on the Geohazard Exploitation Platform.

Periodic reporting from the Supersites continues as usual, in 2020 and 2021 biennial reports from the Etna, Campi Flegreii,  Southern Andes, Virunga, Iceland, Taupo, Ecuador, and San Andreas Fault Supersites have been received; eventually they have been positively evaluated by the CEOS Data Coordination Team. The Enceladus Supersite report did not show interest for satellite data in the previous two years, and the agencies decided to withdraw support.

A case study concerning the Virunga Supersite in D.R. Congo has been contributed for an article to be published with the UNDRR Global Assessment Report 2022.

Supersite activities have also been reported by GSNL Chair at WG Disaster telecons and meetings. Coordination between GSNL and the Seismic and Volcano Demonstrators continues, to avoid duplication of requests.

Stefano Salvi | 2022-09-02 07:09:08 UTC

Update September  2022

Supersite satellite data from CEOS continue to be provided via the GEP, through a sponsoring by the ESA NoR.

The Enceladus Supersite (Greece) is still suspended, due to lack of interest in image data by the local community.

Two training courses: on data processing and on geophysical modeling, have been organized for researchers in Latin America. The second one in collaboration with USGS and IGEPN, Quito.

Support was given to the new Nicaragua Supersite on CSK data ordering over the local volcanoes.

2019-09-07 03:10:24 UTC
Last Updated:
2023-06-27 08:40:35 UTC