
Number Title Status Creation year Completion date Description
D CARB-24-02 Define interface between CEOS & G3W during its implementation phase open 2024 2025 Q3 CEOS has supported WMO through the GHG Study Group to initially draft a...
D VC-23-02 Blue Carbon Workshop open 2023 2024 Q2 Workshop on Blue Carbon from space
D DATA-24-02 White paper on Software preservation open 2024 2025 Q3 This white paper would address and recommend techniques to ensure preservation...
D VC-23-03 Aquatic reflectance ARD open 2023 2024 Q1 Development of Aquatic reflectance ARD for all water types (from inland...
D DIS-20-01 CEOS Contribution to GEO GSNL Initiative for DRR open 2020 2024 Q4 Periodic reports from the GEO-GSNL Supersites and initiative;with particular...
D DATA-24-03 CEOS Interoperability Handbook 2.0 open 2024 2025 Q1 This Interoperabilty Handbook would be revised version of the handbook...
D CV-22-01 Validation protocols for atmospheric aerosol and cloud profiles open 2022 2024 Q1 Development of validation protocols for atmospheric aerosol and cloud profiles
D CARB-24-03 Implement interfaces between CEOS & IMEO open 2024 2025 Q3 CEOS has started to work together with UNEP's IMEO following starting with...
D CARB-24-04 Facilitate new stakeholders with GHG data open 2024 2025 Q3 Version 1 of the GHG Roadmap had as one of its main focus ppoints to support...
D CARB-21-01 GST1 Prototype Products and Guidance open 2021 2023 Q4 Develop prototype CEOS data products and associated user guidance material in...
D CB-24-01 ESA/NASA Trans-Atlantic Training 11 open 2024 2024 Q3 Joint training course for BSc and MSc level students to teach EO theory and...
D SDG-23-04 EO Support sheet for SDG Indicator 15.3.1 (Land degradation) 2023 Review open 2023 2024 Q4 Ensure and/or perform with lead experts an annual update of the EO support...
D CV-22-02 CEOS Terms and Definitions Wiki open 2022 2024 Q4 Compilation of an agreed list of terms to ensure consistent use across CEOS....
D CARB-24-05 Create a governance to collaborate across GHG, AFOLU and aquatic carbon roadmap activities open 2024 2024 Q4 Recently the AFOLU roadmap has been endorsed and the aquatic carbon roadmap is...
D CB-24-02 ESA/ISRO PolSAR Training open 2024 2024 Q4 Polarimetric SAR training course in India, by ISRO and ESA
D DATA-22-05 Feasibility Study for Common Guidlines for the STAC Implementations open 2022 2024 Q3 Evaluate the possibility of defining a guideline/best practice for the STAC at...
D CV-23-01 Develop an FRM Assessment Framework open 2023 2024 Q4 Fiducial Reference Measurement Self Assessment process will be put in place...
D OUT-24-01 CEOS and the ‘New Space’ Agenda open 2024 2026 Q4 CEOS Members and Associates should strive to continue to share information on...
D CMRS-24-01 Update and align WGClimate website instances (CEOS, CGMS, open 2024 2024 Q4 This is a general clean-up and update of inconsistent, obsolete and unaligned...
D CV-23-02 SARCalnet: Establishment of initial SARCalnet processes and network initiation open 2023 2024 Q1 Network of curated calibration sites for SAR cal/val. It includes standard...
D DIS-22-01 Flood Pilot with GEO-LEO-SAR “Understanding Flood Risk from Space” open 2022 2024 Q4 CEOS WGD Flood Pilot activity merging LEO/GEO/SAR observations.  Final...
D OUT-24-02 Increase engagement with the commercial sector on CEOS-ARD open 2024 2024 Q4 Recommended deliverable from the 2023 CEOS New Space White Paper: To ensure...
D CB-23-03 Guidance Document for Conducting Needs Assessments for Capacity Building open 2023 2024 Q2 Produce a Guidance Document for Conducting Needs Assessments for Capacity...
D CMRS-24-02 Update ECV Inventory content with previously-submitted records (~50) open 2024 2024 Q4 Just after the due date for new records going into version 4.1, WGClimate and...
D VC-19-06 A Coordinated International Satellite Altimetry Virtual Constellation: Toward 2050 open 2019 2024 Q4 The current OST constellation User Requirement Document (URD) is the 2009...
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