
Number Title Status Creation year Completion date Description
D DIS-24-04 Data provision to the GEO GSNL initiative open 2024 2030 Q4 A number of CEOS agencies contribute EO data to the GSNL Supersites. This...
D VC-23-01 Aquatic Carbon roadmap open 2023 2025 Q4 Aquatic contribution to the CEOS Carbon Roadmap
D CARB-20-05 Support and encourage space data uptake in GFOI countries open 2020 2023 Q4 Awareness;education;coverage information;and facilitation of discovery;uptake...
D CB-20-07 Best Practice Guide to E-Learning open 2020 2024 Q2 Best practice guide to e-Learning
D VC-22-06 CEOS-ARD Strategy 2024 open 2022 2024 Q4 Biennial update of the CEOS-ARD Strategy
D CB-23-05 Digital Earth Africa online courses: Water resources (English, French), Agriculture (English,... open 2023 2023 Q4 Build capacity of end users to develop use cases in water resource management,...
D CARB-20-02 Integrated Carbon Cycle interface between CEOS and the UNFCCC open 2019 2023 Q1 Building on the important connections established by WGClimate;this task will...
D CB-24-03 Engage & empower South African youth to use EO for Economic Empowerment open 2024 2025 Q1 Building on the inaugural GEO Ministerial Summit Youth Declaration and working...
D AGRI-22-02 CEOS Response to GEOGLAM Requirements open 2022 2024 Q4 CEOS Response to GEOGLAM Requirements
D DIS-22-01 Flood Pilot with GEO-LEO-SAR “Understanding Flood Risk from Space” open 2022 2024 Q4 CEOS WGD Flood Pilot activity merging LEO/GEO/SAR observations.  Final...
D CARB-24-03 Implement interfaces between CEOS & IMEO open 2024 2025 Q3 CEOS has started to work together with UNEP's IMEO following starting with...
D CARB-24-02 Define interface between CEOS & G3W during its implementation phase open 2024 2025 Q3 CEOS has supported WMO through the GHG Study Group to initially draft a...
D CV-22-02 CEOS Terms and Definitions Wiki open 2022 2024 Q4 Compilation of an agreed list of terms to ensure consistent use across CEOS....
D CB-22-12 EOTEC DevNet Multi-Stakeholder Network Analysis open 2022 2024 Q2 Complete and deliver final report on multi-stakeholder network analysis that...
D VC-20-02 Air quality constellation validation coordination open 2020 2024 Q4 Coordinate implementation of recommendations expressed in CEOS document...
D VC-20-04 Air quality constellation validation coordination: announcements of opportunity open 2020 2023 Q4 Coordinate the formulation of harmonized GEO-AQ Announcements of Opportunity...
D VC-20-03 Air quality constellation validation coordination: validation plans open 2020 2023 Q2 Coordinate the writing of harmonized GEO-AQ mission validation plans.
D CB-20-21 Copernicus User Uptake in Africa open 2020 2025 Q4 Copernicus User Uptake in Africa via technical support in the field of...
D VC-23-05 CEOS-ARD Impact Case Studies open 2023 2025 Q4 Curation of CEOS-ARD impact case studies for The aim is to...
D CB-22-10 Sentinel selected applications: practical training with Jupyter Notebooks on the ESA EO Platform open 2022 2023 Q4 Delivering a virtual training course on the use of the Sentinels for various...
D CB-22-14 EO and Capacity Building Curriculum open 2022 2024 Q2 Develop EO capacity building curriculum and learning pathways to include...
D CV-17-01 L1 top-of-atmosphere interoperability open 2017 2025 Q4 Develop an initial recommendation of a community reference in collaboration...
D CARB-21-01 GST1 Prototype Products and Guidance open 2021 2023 Q4 Develop prototype CEOS data products and associated user guidance material in...
D CV-23-04 Launch of a GCP Intercomparison Exercise open 2023 2024 Q4 Develop tools for quantifying colocation between different agencies GCP...
D VC-23-03 Aquatic reflectance ARD open 2023 2024 Q1 Development of Aquatic reflectance ARD for all water types (from inland...
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