
Number Title Status Creation year Completion date Description
D VC-23-13 CEOS-ARD Product Assessments open 2023 2026 Q4 Manage the processes for assessment of products against the CEOS-ARD Product...
D CARB-23-05 New Space and GHG product development and standards setting open 2023 2024 Q1 Engage with New Space and commercial sector in GHG product development and...
D VC-23-05 CEOS-ARD Impact Case Studies open 2023 2025 Q4 Curation of CEOS-ARD impact case studies for The aim is to...
D VC-23-06 CEOS-ARD in the Cloud open 2023 2025 Q4 A core driver of CEOS-ARD is the provision of data that allows immediate...
D VC-23-08 CEOS Representation to the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Analysis Ready Data (ARD) Standards... open 2023 2026 Q4 The OGC Analysis Ready Data Standards Working Group (ARD SWG), in partnership...
D VC-23-09 CEOS-ARD Community Building open 2023 2025 Q4 Promotion of CEOS-ARD and general community outreach. Ongoing activities...
D VC-23-10 Expansion of the Aquatic Reflectance CEOS-ARD PFS to Cover Oceans open 2023 2023 Q4 The CEOS Land Surface Imaging Virtual Constellation (LSI-VC) has endorsed a...
D VC-23-11 LSI-VC Response to the Observation Requirements of the CEOS AFOLU Roadmap open 2023 2025 Q4 The CEOS AFOLU Roadmap will define the 2035 observing system required to...
D DATA-23-01 AI/ML White Paper open 2023 2024 Q4 Use cases of AI/ML technologies for the Earth Observations will be collected,...
D SDG-23-05 Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) Task open 2023 2023 Q4 The task will assess the decision tree workflows in the SDG 15.3.1 Good...
D VC-23-01 Aquatic Carbon roadmap open 2023 2025 Q4 Aquatic contribution to the CEOS Carbon Roadmap
D VC-23-02 Blue Carbon Workshop open 2023 2024 Q2 Workshop on Blue Carbon from space
D VC-23-03 Aquatic reflectance ARD open 2023 2024 Q1 Development of Aquatic reflectance ARD for all water types (from inland...
D SDG-23-04 EO Support sheet for SDG Indicator 15.3.1 (Land degradation) 2023 Review open 2023 2024 Q4 Ensure and/or perform with lead experts an annual update of the EO support...
D CV-23-01 Develop an FRM Assessment Framework open 2023 2024 Q4 Fiducial Reference Measurement Self Assessment process will be put in place...
D CV-23-02 SARCalnet: Establishment of initial SARCalnet processes and network initiation open 2023 2024 Q1 Network of curated calibration sites for SAR cal/val. It includes standard...
D CB-23-03 Guidance Document for Conducting Needs Assessments for Capacity Building open 2023 2024 Q2 Produce a Guidance Document for Conducting Needs Assessments for Capacity...
D CV-23-03 TIRCalNet: Establishment of initial TIRCalNet processes and network initiation open 2023 2026 Q4 Development of a network for Top Of Atmosphere Brightness Temperature...
D CB-23-05 Digital Earth Africa online courses: Water resources (English, French), Agriculture (English,... open 2023 2023 Q4 Build capacity of end users to develop use cases in water resource management,...
D CV-23-04 Launch of a GCP Intercomparison Exercise open 2023 2024 Q4 Develop tools for quantifying colocation between different agencies GCP...
D CV-23-05 Retrieval and validation of high winds with combined active-passive microwave measurements open 2023 2025 Q2 The combination of measurements by radar scatterometers and microwave...
D CV-23-06 Retrieval and validation of sea surface atmospheric pressure with microwave remote sensing open 2023 2025 Q2 Retrieval of sea surface atmospheric pressure with microwave measurements have...
D CB-23-08 Recommendations on learning objects joint repositories and metadata standards for learning objects open 2023 2024 Q2 Due to the increase of online trainings, this report in recommendations aims...
D BON-23-02 Ecosystem Extent Demonstrator open 2023 2024 Q4 Explore and propose an initiative to demonstrate the use of EO for ecosystem...
D CMRS-23-04 Provide Agency Response to GCOP IP open 2023 2023 Q4 Status updates and comments focused on Space Supplement
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