
Number Title Status Creation year Completion date Description
D VC-20-03 Air quality constellation validation coordination: validation plans open 2020 2023 Q2 Coordinate the writing of harmonized GEO-AQ mission validation plans.
D DIS-20-04 Landslide demonstrator showing value of combining optical and radar data for multi and cascading... open 2021 2024 Q4 The proposed landslide demonstrator will have three compelmentary components....
D CARB-21-01 GST1 Prototype Products and Guidance open 2021 2023 Q4 Develop prototype CEOS data products and associated user guidance material in...
D VC-22-06 CEOS-ARD Strategy 2024 open 2022 2024 Q4 Biennial update of the CEOS-ARD Strategy
D CB-22-10 Sentinel selected applications: practical training with Jupyter Notebooks on the ESA EO Platform open 2022 2023 Q4 Delivering a virtual training course on the use of the Sentinels for various...
D VC-22-04 Mission continuity timelines for land domain CEOS-ARD PFS open 2022 2024 Q4 LSI-VC will work with the CEOS MIM Database team to explore the production of...
D GST-22-04 Deliver results of GST Strategy actions to key meetings in the UNFCCC Calendar, including SBSTA... open 2022 2024 Q4 Ensure coordinated inputs to SBSTA and RSO annually for use of satellite data...
D DATA-22-01 Jupyter Notebook Best Practice open 2022 2024 Q4 Knowledge sharing with Jupyter Notebook will be investigated and the best...
D CB-22-14 EO and Capacity Building Curriculum open 2022 2024 Q2 Develop EO capacity building curriculum and learning pathways to include...
D DATA-22-05 Feasibility Study for Common Guidlines for the STAC Implementations open 2022 2024 Q3 Evaluate the possibility of defining a guideline/best practice for the STAC at...
D CARB-22-01 Production of harmonised biomass products from CEOS Agency missions open 2022 2024 Q4 Production of a harmonised biomass product providing estimates at a...
D WAT-22-01 Provide inputs for coastal sediment, coastal eutrophication and Blue Carbon pilot projects being... open 2022 2024 Q4 Provide inputs for coastal sediment, coastal eutrophication and Blue Carbon...
D GST-22-03 Ensure that the products from oceanic observations needed to derive biogenic emissions as priors... open 2022 2024 Q4 Include outcomes of relevant workshops and WG Climate meetings to update Annex...
D GST-22-07 Establish National Inventory Test User Group and channels for country feedback on CEOS products... open 2022 2024 Q3 Develop country by country demonstrators for use of CEOS products in their...
D CB-22-12 EOTEC DevNet Multi-Stakeholder Network Analysis open 2022 2024 Q2 Complete and deliver final report on multi-stakeholder network analysis that...
D AGRI-22-02 CEOS Response to GEOGLAM Requirements open 2022 2024 Q4 CEOS Response to GEOGLAM Requirements
D GST-22-02 Ensure that the products from terrestrial observations needed to derive biogenic emissions as... open 2022 2024 Q4 Include outcomes of relevant workshops and WG Climate meetings to update Annex...
D CV-22-01 Validation protocols for atmospheric aerosol and cloud profiles open 2022 2024 Q1 Development of validation protocols for atmospheric aerosol and cloud profiles
D CB-22-08 Copernicus training of trainers in Africa open 2022 2024 Q4 Training of Trainers Program that will be given in three languages :...
D DIS-22-04 Wild Fire Pilot Final Report open 2022 2023 Q4 Final report fo the WG Disasters Wildfire pilot
D CV-22-02 CEOS Terms and Definitions Wiki open 2022 2024 Q4 Compilation of an agreed list of terms to ensure consistent use across CEOS....
D CB-22-07 Open-Source Science Outreach Plan and Training open 2022 2023 Q4 Prepare an outreach plan and conduct potential workshop(s) to raise awareness...
D DIS-22-01 Flood Pilot with GEO-LEO-SAR “Understanding Flood Risk from Space” open 2022 2024 Q4 CEOS WGD Flood Pilot activity merging LEO/GEO/SAR observations.  Final...
D CB-23-05 Digital Earth Africa online courses: Water resources (English, French), Agriculture (English,... open 2023 2023 Q4 Build capacity of end users to develop use cases in water resource management,...
D VC-23-08 CEOS Representation to the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Analysis Ready Data (ARD) Standards... open 2023 2026 Q4 The OGC Analysis Ready Data Standards Working Group (ARD SWG), in partnership...
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