Review and update the GHG Roadmap Action list (Annex C)
At the most recent GHG Task Team meeting, it was concluded that the Annex C action list has now been updated. We have also concluded, that in the light of recent development, it is no longer sufficient to restrict that update to just the Annex C and an entire update of the GHG Roadmap is needed. This is work we will plan to implement in 2024.
At a meeting in February, the agreement in the GHG TT is to only update the Action List in Annex to the GHG Roadmap. For each Area in the Action List, Leads have been appointed and an initial intermediate update has been established end of June. The expectation is that this shall further evolve and consolidate until the next meeting, which is currently tentatively planned on 16-10-2023 in ESRIN. Proposed at Mid-Term is to update the due date.
It was agreed in the GHG Task Team that we will only make a soft update of the GHG Roadmap by updating Annex C with the Actions. We made good progress since the meeting in February (GHG TT Meeting-2), which was reported at the GHG TT Meeting-3 in Frascati on 17 October. It was concluded that more effort is needed before concluding that all actions have been updated. Once we reach that state, then we will close this action and further updates are part of nominal work.
AT CEOS SIT, it was agreed to update the GHG Roadmap with a second issue.
The issue 2 of the GHG Roadmap has been coordinated and was written jointly by the GHG Task Team. At CEOS Plenary, the updated Roadmap has been unanimously endorsed. Several CEOS agencies recognized the remarkable team effort that made this swift update possible, with comments like “CEOS at its best!”.
Simultaneously, we coordinated with the CGMS Secretariat, which also requested endorsement from their principals. Also CGMS has unanimously endorsed the updated Roadmap. With endorsements from both CEOS and CGMS, Issue 2 is now fully approved and officially released to the public.
The final version is now available here under two public CEOS pages: