Generate a set of standards for uncertainty reporting of flux estimates
The Final Report is now available. It has been uploaded alongside the presentations of the last GHG Task Meeting-3, see
Filename: CEOS_Reporting Emission Uncertainties Workshop 2023-07-03 Final Report.pdf
On July 3 at CNES HQ in Paris, we have organised a workshop on "Characterizing, evaluating, and reporting top-down emissions estimates from the facility to global scales".
The Objectives for the Meeting:
In order to make informed comparisons between top-down estimates, we need a common framework for reporting estimates, their uncertainties (or covariances), priors, and ancillary data indicating data sensitivity and bias (e.g. DOFS, surface attributes). An analog for this effort is the harmonization by the satellite community for reporting Level 2 composition products. We also need to review protocols for evaluating emissions with independent data sets (e.g. aircraft data, point release). Formal error attribution, their evaluation with independent data, and corresponding product definition, will provide increased trust in the use of these data by the science community and policy agencies. Our use cases for this workshop include top-down estimates that might inform inventories from the facility scale to global scale as well as national based estimates such as might be used to evaluate emissions reported to the UNFCC as part of the Global Stocktake. Recommendations from this meeting will be reported back to Committee on Earth Observing Satellites and Working Group on Climate Greenhouse Gas task team and then forwarded to interested parties.
A summary report will be written and used to close this action.