Ensure and/or perform with lead experts an annual update of the EO support sheet:
Plan the review and coordinate inputs from key experts (CEOS, GEO and external stakeholders) for existing EO support sheets
Consider new missions and changes to SDG indicators
Consider new tools and services
The process of updating the EO support sheet for 15.3.1 is perhaps more complex than for some other Indicators because of the very close engagement with the custodian agency (UNCCD). This means that recommendations for the use of new datasets or processing methods, for example, may require approval by the UNCCD.
There are a few upcoming activities of the GEO LDN that I think will be worthy of an update in Q1 2024. These include the Global Dialogue Forum in association with GEO Week 2023, which should provide more information on the EO needs of partner countries from their perspective, and the appointment of a consultant to develop standards for analytics tools that are provided through GEO LDN to help countries in the land use planning. These processes may identify additional data gaps and needs that should be reflected in the support sheet. I will be happy to be the conduit for that, noting that Dave Borges is also now well linked to the LDN meetings.