Promotion of CEOS-ARD and general community outreach. Ongoing activities include the CEOS-ARD Newsletter, Twitter, mailing lists, and website. Webinars and workshops will also be considered.
This is an ongoing task. There are various channels used for communications:
CEOS-ARD Newsletter past issues:
The LSI-VC and CEOS-ARD Oversight Group have been represented at many different meetings / conferences / events, with all presentations available here:
A key recent development is the establishment of the CEOS-ARD GitHub, which has been set up to increase community involvement, transparency, and version control, tracking of issues, etc.
We are taking steps to encourage more contributors and active dialogue on the CEOS-ARD GitHub, including the issues forum, as means to better engage external stakeholders including the New Space sector. Aim to eliminate perception that CEOS-ARD is developed in isolation by CEOS Agencies. Critically, increased discourse via an open forum like the CEOS-ARD GitHub will provide the bandwidth needed to make progress on increasingly complex issues.