The task will assess the decision tree workflows in the SDG 15.3.1 Good Practice Guidance (GPG) document by addressing specific data concerns for island countries, mountains and arid regions (low SOC and vegetation) that desire to measure land productivity.
Focus on Pacific Islands or other tropical islands. The primary issue is cloud cover and SAR coverage.
Conduct an analysis of data availability from past, current and future missions. Consider high resolution data (e.g., Planet, Maxar) with GEO support. Consider Landsat and Sentinel-2 to achieve higher resolution products vs. 100-meter baseline.
Coordinate with ESA and the Sen4LDN project (VITO contractor).
Brian is doing a great job of attending to this task. GEO LDN have also recently appointed a consultant to review aspects of this work. I think we will be in a position to provide some concrete outputs in Q1 2024.
Brian is doing a great job of attending to this task. GEO LDN have also recently appointed a consultant to review aspects of this work. I think we will be in a position to provide some concrete outputs in Q1 2024.
A final report detailing cloud cover analysis from Sentinel 2 and Landsat for all SIDS of interest has been finished and shared with UNCCD.
A final report detailing cloud cover analysis from Sentinel 2 and Landsat for all SIDS of interest has been finished and shared with UNCCD.