Prepare an outline strategy paper proposing the CEOS approach to support for the UNFCCC GST process
The definition and implementation the CEOS support to the GST requires the coordinated involvement of almost all CEOS entities (CEOS Chair team, SIT and vice-SIT Chair teams, WGs, VCs, SEO, CEO). The SIT chair has requested the SIT vice-chair team to coordinate that effort and in particular, the SIT vice-Chair team is in charge of editing the CEOS GST Strategy Paper. Several draft versions of the GST Strategy paper have been produced and a series of 9 actions defined by the GST Team. Current version is 3.0. The GST Strategy Paper will be pressented again at the 2021 SIT Technical Workshop and at the 35th CEOS Plenary (1-4 Nov. 2021) for endorsement.