The standards and metrics for scatterometers and wind retrievals defines the standards and metrics to enable cross calibration as well as comparison between scatterometers and wind retrieval approaches;including development of guidelines and standards for calibration and validation of radar scatterometer for ocean surface winds;development and validation of algorithms and methods for scatterometer calibration using global ocean NWP data and natural terrestrial targets;development of metrics for quality of scatterometer and wind data products;and identifying and organizing data for calibration and cross-calibration of radar scatterometer for ocean surface vector wind. The main outcomes will be three international standards and framework for cooperation concerning the above scopes;and the protocol for virtual constellation cooperation endorsed by the CEOS WGCV.
Reported progresses on CEOS Work Plan action CV-20-05 by X. Dong on Day 2, June 20 of WGCV-49 meeting.
Discussion during IGARSS 2021, further confirmation of more data availability, and an investigation into the use of the recently launched HY-2C/D satellites
(with inclined orbits) for cross-calibration.
Proposed a half-year extension (wrap-up by June 2022) due to the lack of meeting opportunities over the last year and a half.
Status confirmed (Aug. 2022) Extend due data 2022 4Q.