Periodic reports from the GEO-GSNL Supersites and initiative;with particular focus on the use and contribution of the CEOS data and other obsevation data (e.g. insitu and impact data);specifying data use for current and future satellite missions;integration and information platforms;contributions to research and geohazard assessements documented in the yearly updated GSNL implementation plan. Description of partnerships and data sharing best practices. Includes activities to align with disaster risk reduction targets (e.g. Sendai). Includes plans for existing Supersites and definition of new sites as appropriate. Elaboration of a new TOR or Charter updated for the GNSL
Update Fall 2022
Delivery of Kamchatka, Marmara, Etna and Campi Flegrei Supersite biennial reports to the CEOS DCT.
Submission of new GSNL Implementation Plan to GEO PB.
Submission of a new proposal for a Supersite in Guatemala.