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D SDG-04: CEOS engagement plan on SDGs
CEOS engagement plan on SDGs
Creation Year:
Completion Date:
2019 Q2
Develop a coherent, flexible and adaptive CEOS engagement strategy on SDGs to maximize CEOS efforts and available resources on SDGs for a higher impact (on the use of EO in SDGs) and for more tangible benefits for CEOS agencies.
Link to GEO Work Programme:
EO4SDG initiative
External Reference:
Responsible Users:
Argyro Kavvada
Responsible CEOS Entities:
Contributing Agencies:
Relevant Sustainable Development Goal (SDG):
Progress Reports:
Marc Paganini | 2019-09-30 11:13:16 UTC

The CEOS Engagement Plan on SDGs has been released in its version 1.1 on the 3rd September and provided to the members of the CEOS SDG AHT ahead of the SDG AHT side meeting at SIT 2019 Technical Workshop.

Version 1.1 of the CEOS Engagement Plan on SDGs is an updated version of what was presented at SIT 34, which takes into consideration the recent developments in CEOS and in GEO that have an impact on how CEOS should organize its engagement on SDGs. 

The CEOS Engagement Plan on SDGs is accompanied by the CEOS 2020-2021 workplan on SGDs which is available as a separate document.

The CEOS Engagement Plan on SDGs contains the rationale that justifies the CEOS activities on SDGs and its organisation. 

It is organised along the following chapters

  1. Some background information on the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development, and the importance of the Earth Observations
  2. A summary of CEOS enagement on the SDGs and how its connecs to the GEO activities on SDGs (mainly through the GEO EO4SDG initiative)
  3. A summary of the SDG-AHT activities during the first 2 years of existence of the Ad-Hoc Team (2017-2018)
  4. the lessons learned from these SDG-AHT initial activities
  5. the alignment of the CEOS and GEO respective activities on SDGs
  6. a summary of the CEOS SDG AHT 2019 workplan
  7. the major aspects of the CEOS streamlined engagement on SDGs (criteria used to streamline the CEOS engagement on SDGs, the SDG indicators ath will be primarily addressed, the involvement of the CEOS bodie, and the primary activity lines of CEOS on SDGs), 
  8. Finally the last chapter discusses the options for the evolution of the CEOS organisation on SDGs into a sustainable structure, including the possibility to transfer some activities outside of CEOS.

The SDG-AHT will request the CEO Principals to authorise, at CEOS 33 Plenary,  a 1-year extension of the Ad-Hoc Team, with a 2-year workplan that will be transferred after the first year to the new CEOS organization on SDGs that will be decided at CEOS 34 Plenary in October 2020. The SDG-AHT will NOT request another extension at CEOS 34 Plenary.

The last version of the CEOS Engagement Plan on SDGs is available on the CEOS SDG-AHT Documentation Database

The action can be considered close.

2019-09-07 03:10:24 UTC
Last Updated:
2021-02-04 03:21:36 UTC