CEOS is often referred as the space arm of GEO. CEOS data holdings need to be reported and visible in GEO and accessible to the GEOSS Platform;GEO Regional Initiatives Systems and Community Portals through the WGISS connected data access infrastructure.
Regular meetings held so far with the GEO Data Access Broker (GEODAB) team to improve discoverability and access of CEOS data in GEO. CWIC and FedEO catalogues directlky accessible through GEOSS Platform. Work to be completed on IDN by DAB team.
Normally the engagement would be checked at a WGISS-GEO joint session annually at one of the WGISS workshops. WGISS has invited GEO representation to the virtual WGISS-52 meeting to continue the knowledge exchange between CEOS data holdings and accessibility in GEO.