Develop list of reference standards for CO2 and CH4 products that are suitable for use in intercomparison of multiple missions
It was agreed at WGCV-44 that the Atmospheric Composition Subgroup (ACSG) will take the lead on this activity. Plans for completing this work plan item during 2019 and work related to GHGs beyond 2019 are available in the ACSG presentation at WGCV-44 from 31 August 2018. December 2018: The ACSG Expert Meeting preparations have been ongoing since the September SIT, including preparing the list of key participants, the possible dates & venue, the tentative agenda, etc. This took longer than expected overall because of the availability of key persons, extensive discussions on co-locating the meeting with other meetings, coordination with the WGClim and AC-VC. The formal invitations will go out by the end of the week.
This task is now being conducted in collaboration with ACVC and WGClimate
Task conducted as part of CEOS GHG initiative
Input refinement to the GHG roadmap annex C, July 2020
(1) Vicarious Calibration Portal for Space-borne GHGs Sensors was released and reported in THE 35th CEOS PLENARY FINAL v1.0 1-4 November 2021. The methodology and calibration data base are reported in the portal site.
(2) 3rd GHG sensors (OCO-TROPOMI-GOSAT) Calibration meeting, January 7, 2022 The reference standards for interoperability were discussed.
The methodology and calibration database