The WGCV task team "Cloud masking" will research different cloud masking approaches for different sensors and spectral areas in order to deliver a report about their findings including recommendations for the applications of cloud masking in EO applications.
An initial workshop for the Cloud Mask Intercomparison Experiment (CMIX) is scheduled for October 17-18 in Washington, DC, USA in conjunction with the ACIX-2 meeting.Based on the experience from ACIX-1, it is expected that CV-14 will be complete with a summary report of results posted by Q2 2020. DEcember 2018: Workshop for the Cloud Mask Intercomparison Experiment (CMIX) took place in October 17-18 in Washington, DC, USA in conjunction with the ACIX-2 meeting. Workshop was successful with good participation, scheme for surface reflectance validation. Based on the experience from ACIX-1, it is expected that CV-14 will be complete with a summary report of results posted by Q2 2020.
Nine developer teams are participating in the exercise and have delivered their results over five evaluation datasets of both Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 scenes.
The coordinators are currently evaluating the results, which will be published and discussed on the 2nd ACIX II-CMIX WS (3-5 December 2019, ESA/ESRIN).