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D CB-41: Collaboration between AHT-SDG and WGCapD to organise SDG-related training and capacity building related to the use of space-based EO to meet the data challenges of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Collaboration between AHT-SDG and WGCapD to organise SDG-related training and capacity building related to the use of space-based EO to meet the data challenges of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Creation Year:
Completion Date:
2019 Q3

WGCapD and AHT-SDG collaboration to support GEO in promoting use of EO to track progress towards, and achieve, the Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Link to GEO Work Programme:
External Reference:
Responsible Users:
Argyro Kavvada
Responsible CEOS Entities:
Contributing Agencies:

Relevant Sustainable Development Goal (SDG):
Progress Reports:
Lauren Childs | 2019-09-30 14:38:48 UTC

Sept 2019 Update: 

The Working Group on Capacity Building & Data Democracy and Ad Hoc Team on Sustainable Development Goals Sustainable Development Goals collaborated to host an awareness webinar December 19th - 19th, 2018, for the CEOS extended community with a focus on:

  • Overview of governance structures that are developed or adapted to support countries in implementing the SDGs into their national development plans and priorities, and within their regional and international context;
  • Examples of EO community efforts to integrate EO data into national development plans and monitoring frameworks for the SDGs via methodology development; country pilot efforts; capacity building and outreach activities; products, tools, and platforms available or in development;
  • Examples of partnerships with organizations and communities to support broad use of Earth observation methods and solutions to enable countries to set targets and inform sustainable development policies; and,
  • Key challenges, gaps and lessons learned to date in relation to extending EO uses in support of the SDG global indicator framework and to achieve sustainable development more broadly.

 For more information, visit:

2019-09-07 03:10:24 UTC
Last Updated:
2021-02-04 03:21:36 UTC