December 2018: Added individual deliverables to implement training plan and work towards unified collection of training resources.
Work in Progress . A web portal is developed at IIRS Dehardun to provide information about the capacity building and training resources. It was demonstrated during WGCapD meetings and few suggestions were provided to improve the portal. Work is in progress much before the completion date of Q4 2020.
April 2020: Still moving forward with a Q4 2020 deadline.
As of June 2020, ISRO is still on target for Q4 2020 and still a work in progress discussing the portal and how to make it functional. NASA, U of Jena, and ISRO will join a call with VLab to discuss developing a repository and lessons learned from VLab's experiences.
ISRO completed creation of the CEOS WGCapD Knowledge Portal website ( which provides enhanced access to capacity building and training resources in a centralized portal. This has been linked in the WGCapD resources page at