
View Deliverable

D CARB-15: Carbon data portal
Carbon data portal
Creation Year:
Completion Date:
2019 Q2
Implement a carbon data portal to facilitate the discoverability and accessibility of ECV products and space-borne CDRs. The portal is designed with a service-oriented architecture and follows the principles outlined by the GEOSS Community Portal white paper. The portal will seamlessly access data both in CWIC and FedEO to provide necessary data, tools and services to the carbon science community of both CEOS and GEOSS. The reference implementation can be shared with the broader CEOS carbon community.
Link to GEO Work Programme:
GEOSS-EVOLVE Initiative, WP6 Community Portals
External Reference:
CEOS Carbon Team and RECCAP Team
Responsible Users:
Liping Di
Responsible CEOS Entities:
Contributing Agencies:
Relevant Sustainable Development Goal (SDG):
Progress Reports:
2019-09-07 03:10:24 UTC

Monthly teleconferences held since March 2018.WGISS (NOAA/GMU) has developed few versions of the prototype Carbon portal which have been preliminarily reviewed by Mark Dowell (CEOS Carbon lead) and Stephen Plummer (WG Climate Carbon). Carbon Portal searches both CEOS WGISS Integrated Catalog (CWIC) and FedEO. It provides pre-defined topics/datasets (Atmospheric Carbon; Ecosystem Carbon, Ocean Carbon, and Mixed-Theme Carbon), allows searching of Essential Climate Variables (ECV) and data collections/granules through combination of keywords, spatial and temporal search. Carbon Portal latest version October 2018) has received feedback from RECCAP Carbon Team. Portal has been opened to wider user community on Global Carbon project portal to collect additional feedback. New version expected by January 2019. Next steps: 1) Implement additional changes based on RECCAP received feedback and gather additional one from wider user community 2) Issue new version by January 2019. 3) assess feasibility to support CEOS Chair Initiative for forest monitoring in the Mekong area . 4) FInalise portal and define handover approach.

Mirko Albani | 2019-09-30 07:37:51 UTC

WGISS has implemented the prototype carbon data portal in coordination with the CEOS Carbon Team, to facilitate the discovery and access of ECV products and space-borne CDRs for the carbon science community of both CEOS and GEOSS. The portal, developed under a NOAA contract, was opened to a wider user community in June 2019 to gather additional feedback.

Coordination is ongoing with the 2019 CEOS Chair team (VAST/VNSC) to evaluate possible use of the Carbon Portal in support to the chair 2019 initiative on Forest monitoring in the Mekong area. Carbon Portal demo was held during the WGClimate meeting in September to demonstrate capabilities and discuss possible use by WGCLimate in support to new CEOS carbon strategy. Technical solution to maintain the portal operational also in 2020 under discussion at WGISS.


Action Carb 15 can be closed.

2019-09-07 03:10:24 UTC
Last Updated:
2021-02-04 03:21:36 UTC