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D BON-06: Develop a draft standardised approach for specifying satellite observation requirements and EBV metadata.
Develop a draft standardised approach for specifying satellite observation requirements and EBV metadata.
Creation Year:
Completion Date:
2019 Q4
The approach will act as a template to facilitate development of detailed requirements and metadata. The ESA GlobDiversity Project, the GEO BON EBV Data Task Force, and the relevant EBV working groups are the key players in drafting this approach.
Link to GEO Work Programme:
External Reference:
Responsible Users:
Gary Geller
Responsible CEOS Entities:
CEOS Biodiversity expert
Contributing Agencies:

Relevant Sustainable Development Goal (SDG):
Progress Reports:
Gary Geller | 2019-09-26 19:36:01 UTC

The development of solid EBV observation requirements depends on a consistent approach to developing the EBVs themselves. An early EBV development approach and its revision proved too complex and was hindered by insufficient resources; the current approach is simpler and more focused and will facilitate delivery of updated EBV definitions and plans for EBV data products by mid-2020 for at least one EBV in each EBV Class. This process will be extended and become the basis for developing the EBV observation and product requirements. It is summarized as follows:

1) Each of the six EBV Classes has an associated EBV WG to develop the EBVs for their assigned class.

2) Through discussion with its members and the broader community, EBVs are identified and defined. This includes identifying and defining any Attributes associated with each EBV. (An Attribute is a parameter that fits within the EBV concept and, in general, for which Data Products will be produced.) An October meeting on an EBV-relevant topic will further facilitate this process.

3) The following information should be provided for each EBV/Attribute:

  • EBV
  • Description of this EBV concept
  • Relevance/traceability to existing targets
    • CBD Aichi Targets and Indicators
    • SDGs Goals and Indicators
    • GEO BON Global biodiversity Change Indicators  
    • Others
  • EBV Attributes (for each Attribute provide…)
    • Examples of any current products: Do they already exist? Are they sufficient? Is additional processing needed? Is the metadata appropriate?
    • Observations or other input products needed (RS, in situ, and other sources)
      • Observation characteristics, such as temporal and spatial resolution, accuracy. Here, the measurement requirements are defined.
      • Current or planned availability
    • Scalability (e.g., is global coverage practical)
    • Feasibility (e.g., challenges)
    • Processing needed (e.g., do algorithms exist?)
    • Any additional information e.g., references, sensitivity/importance of observation or other characteristics, etc

This information can then be used to further develop an EBV Traceability Matrix that contains the observation requirements and is formatted appropriately for CEOS. Additionally, each EBV data product (e.g., Attributes and derived products) will follow standard metadata guidelines

2019-09-07 03:10:24 UTC
Last Updated:
2021-02-04 03:21:36 UTC