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D AGRI-04: CEOS Strategic Response to GEOGLAM Requirements
CEOS Strategic Response to GEOGLAM Requirements
Creation Year:
Completion Date:
2019 Q2

A brief “GEOGLAM Data Continuity and Observation Requirements” document (prepared by GEOGLAM) will be written and presented at SIT 34 (April 2019). This document will provide the basis of the CEOS response. The CEOS Strategic Response to GEOGLAM Requirements identifies how CEOS Agencies will coordinate their relevant Earth observing satellite systems to acquire data to support information requirements arising from GEOGLAM. Annual updates to this document include the addition of new mission datasets, updates to primary and contributing datasets, updates to sampling approaches, adjustments to the strategy that improve GEOGLAM coverage, updates to country coverage, and updates/reporting on acquisitions over JECAM sites. In addition, this task will include updates to the Scope Document, which reflects the high-level plans for the Ad Hoc GEOGLAM team and addresses new requirements evolving from the Rangelands (RAPP) project and upscaling of SAR coverage in support of Asia-RiCE (eventual goal: national coverage). An interim report of the updated strategy will be presented at the annual SIT meeting. The final updated strategy will be presented for endorsement at the annual CEOS Plenary Meeting.

Link to GEO Work Programme:
External Reference:
Responsible Users:
Brad Doorn
Responsible CEOS Entities:
Contributing Agencies:

Relevant Sustainable Development Goal (SDG):
Progress Reports:
2019-09-07 03:10:24 UTC

August 2018: The GEOGLAM AHWG started in 2012 with stewardship of GEOGLAM EO Requirements and Strategy.  Version 2.0 of these requirements are scheduled for update in 2018.  The AHWG is finalizing and preparing the update (Version 2.0) for presentation at the 2018 CEOS Plenary.  Final discussions and preparations are planned for the joint meetings with LSI-VC and stand-alone GEOGLAM AHWG 4-7 September 2018 at the Joint Research Centre, Ispra Italy.  This will include discussions of the outcomes of Operational Users Requirements Working Meeting at Joint Research Center, Ispra, Italy 17-18 April 2018.  The AHWG will review adjustments to the original GEOGLAM Requirements table and schedule and plan the CEOS response to the updated requirements.   November 2017: After discussions initiated at SIT TWS in September 2017, GEOGLAM's EO Data Coordination Thematic Coordination Team has scheduled a meeting during the 2nd week of April 2018, at which operational data user requirements will be gathered and assessed. Previous focus was on R&D-derived requirements, and these efforts will complement one another to create a holistic characterization of state of the science EO data requirements for monitoring agriculture. The CEOS AHWG on GEOGLAM will work with GEOGLAM PoCs to respond to evaluate these requirements, the results of which will be captured in the 2018 CEOS Strategic Response to GEOGLAM Requirements.October 2017: The CEOS Strategic Response to the GEOGLAM Requirements document is not planned for updates in 2017. The group has updated its "Scope of Work" document to describe the past, current and planned activities of the group.October 2016: The ad hoc Working Group presented an updated Acquisition Strategy for GEOGLAM at the CEOS Plenary. This document was endorsed by the Plenary. The group also introduced a new 2-page Scope document to summarize the high-level plans and objectives for the group.

Alyssa Whitcraft | 2019-09-27 20:25:19 UTC

September 2019 - Complete. CEOS Strategic Response to GEOGLAM Requirements was submitted to CEOS Chair team & CEOS CEO on 9/27/2019 for endorsement at CEOS Plenary.

2019-09-07 03:10:24 UTC
Last Updated:
2021-02-04 03:21:35 UTC