WGISS Connected Data Assets consists of IDN, CWIC and FedEO and provides a single entry point for external clients to discover and access CEOS agencies data. This activity is led by the WGISS System Level Team which includes partners from CWIC, FedEO and IDN.
WGISS CDA provides capability to search over 32,000 collections in the IDN, and access to over 5000 collections with associated over 300+ million granules. It is accesed by several clients including the GEOSS Portal. It is being enlarged with new partners and continuously populated with additional data collections. Lately the following are being added: ECVs/CDRs in coordination with WGClimate, COVERAGE Team and Carbon Team; ESA Heritage and Earth Explorer Missions (11 million granules); NOAA One Stop (over 100 million granules); National Remote Sensing Center of China (NRSCC) now active participant in WGISS CDA (35 millions granules)