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D AGRI-09: RAPP (Rangelands) Data Cube Demonstrations and Application Testing
RAPP (Rangelands) Data Cube Demonstrations and Application Testing
Creation Year:
Completion Date:
2018 Q4

Complete a Data Cube demonstration for one or more test sites to support RAPP (rangelands). This demo will explore steps for data cube creation at local test sites and explore applications targeted toward rangelands agriculture (fractional cover, custom cloud-free mosaics, NDVI anomaly).

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Relevant Sustainable Development Goal (SDG):
Progress Reports:
2019-07-21 10:29:56 UTC

August 2018: The Data Cube has been demonstrated to support rangelands and the RAPP project. The Open Data Cube (ODC) team plans to create documentation, training tools and Python notebooks that can be specifically used for agriculture purposes (e.g. RAPP) before the end of 2018.

July 2018: Created a custom EVI index GeoTIFF output from the data cube for a vegetation analysis by Dr. Mohamed Shibia (Kenya). Dr. Shibia is a Research Officer at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI). He is working with Francesco Fava of ILRI and collaborating with professors based at the Institute of computationally sustainability at the Cornell University in the US on the crowdsourcing of rangeland conditions from pastoralists. Dr. Shibia was pleased with the data product and plans to report his results to the SEO.

Sep 2017: This task has been delayed due to a lack of engagement from the Kenya team. Francesco Fava (Kenya) inquired about using a data cube for their proposed RAPP test site in Machakos County (Kapiti Plains, near Nairobi). This is a part of the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI). There has also been an Inquiry from Dr. Boniface Akuku (KALRO) via Andiswa Mlisa (GEOSEC). They are proposing a KALRO GIS Data Cube (KGDC). It is anticipated this prototype will be completed in late 2018.

Jan 2017: The SEO has added the Colombia RAPP test site to the current AWS demo (Jan 2017). This demo includes fractional cover, custom cloud-free mosaics, and NDVI anomaly. The SEO will participate in the RAPP meeting in May 2017 and will discuss the "next steps" in supporting rangelands and prototyping data cubes.

2017-04-14 16:34:06 UTC
Last Updated:
2021-02-04 03:21:36 UTC