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D AGRI-08: Vietnam Data Services Prototype
Vietnam Data Services Prototype
Creation Year:
Completion Date:
2018 Q2

Complete initial deployment of a Vietnam Data Cube with a particular emphasis on data interoperability (optical and radar) and agriculture applications including rice crop monitoring.

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Progress Reports:
2019-07-21 10:29:56 UTC

August 2018: The CSIRO team (Anstee, Paget, Newnham) was in Vietnam (week of 30 July) for technical consultations with VNSC and several end-users in VN government/academia. The CSIRO team plans to summarize the progress of Vietnam in a meeting report. Based on this report, Vietnam may have an "operational" data cube, thereby closing this action.

March 2018: Conducted a Vietnam Data Cube (VDC) workshop on March 9 to release the first prototype version of the VDC (Vietnam Data Cube) to government and researchers. Working to get a forest mapping application in place during 2018. Rice and water quality applications are planned for 2019. The SEO has completed several test cubes over central (Ho Chi Minh City) and south (Mekong) Vietnam.

Sept 2017: Conducted a Data Cube workshop on Sept 17 in Hanoi. Working to get a forest mapping application in place by Jan 2018. The completed operational prototype will be completed by mid-2018. Rice and water quality applications are planned for 2019.

The SEO has completed several test cubes over central (Ho Chi Minh City) and south (Mekong) Vietnam. Vietnam will investigate putting their S1 rice monitoring code into Python, SEO will investigate the VN-2000 projection for ingestion, Vietnam will investigate algorithms for Chlorophyll detection with a focus on change detection and coarse analyses. Also working with Shinichi Sobue (Asia-Rice) to get a sample PALSAR ScanSAR dataset to develop an ingestor configuration.

The SEO and CSIRO have been working closely with Vietnam to commence a Data Cube deployment. An initial scoping visit was completed in December 2016 and a second visit (to Hanoi) was conducted in April 2017. The Vietnam team will be receiving a new computer system in late April to be used for Data Cube deployment. It is expected the first operating data cube will be ready by mid-2017.

2017-04-14 16:32:45 UTC
Last Updated:
2021-02-04 03:21:36 UTC