WGCV will analyze its capabilities, given the new demands of the VCs and WGs. Based on the analysis, WGCV will tailor its specific opportunities on the working level and communicate the results in a report.
WGCV is continously working on mechanism for interaction with Virtual Constellations and Working Groups. Aside the orginally followed approach to invite VCs and WGs for the presentation at a glance of theri work, a new approach by setting up? dedicated session for a topic related to a VC or WG has been followed during the recent WGCV-39: IOCCG has been invited to attend WGCV plenaries actively and OCR-VC has been also invited to rpesent their needs with respect to Ocean Colour Radiometry in terms of Calibration and Validation. Dedicated presentations with respect specific calibration adn validation needs has been given and intensively discussed taking also into account future cooperation work-arounds. At first instance, IOCCG will? built the bridge between both OCR-VC and WGCV, but also the subgroup IVOS is checking the calibration requirements documented by IOCCG/OCR-VC with respect how to include those also into the WGCV work plan.