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D DIS-13: Report on Follow-on Actions to DRM Pilots
Report on Follow-on Actions to DRM Pilots
Creation Year:
Completion Date:
2017 Q4

The DRM Pilots are expected to provide important insights into where, and how, Earth observations from space can support the disaster risk reduction community.  A report will be prepared to summarize the learnings from these pilots, and to recommend pathways forward.  In particular the report will focus on the elements necessary to the sustainability of operational solutions post 2017.

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Responsible CEOS Entities:
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Relevant Sustainable Development Goal (SDG):
Progress Reports:
2019-07-21 10:29:56 UTC

Update Dec 2017

Floods, seismic hazards, and volcano pilots concluded and their report and  follow-on action

were approved during the 31st  Plenary Meeting.


Last Update Oct 12, 2017:

The Disaster Risk Management (DRM) pilot initiatives on floods, seismic hazards and volcanoes are in their final phase. The flood, seismic hazards and volcano pilots presented their draft final report at SIT-32 for comments that summarize lesson learned and preparing recommendations with a focus on the sustainability aspect. Final reports that include follow-on actions for Volcano and Seismic Hazards Demonstrators will request approval at CEOS Plenary in October 2017. Each demonstrator proposed is preparing an Implementation Plan for approval at SIT-33.

At SIT-32, the new Geohazards Lab concept was endorsed and the Implementation Plan will be presented to the Plenary 2017.

A glossy brochure presenting the outputs and results of the first 3 pilots and the RO was prepared, edition by ESA Graphic Bureau and print-outs by CSA.


2015-03-25 17:10:20 UTC
Last Updated:
2021-02-04 03:21:36 UTC